Padi merupakan tanaman utama yang dikonsumsi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Pengembangan produksi padi gogo dilahan kering perlu dilakukan. Luas lahan kering di Indonesia mencapai 148 juta hektar. Kendala lahan kering adalah ketersediaan P tanah. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut dengan menggunakan abu sekam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakter agronomis dan fisiologis padi gogo yang ditanam pada media tanah bersekam pada kondisi air dibawah kapasitas lapang. Penelitian dilakukan di polibag dalam rumah jaring Fakultas Pertanian Unsoed dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan faktor varietas Situ Patenggang, Limboto, Towuti, Batutegi dan Aek Sibundong dan faktor abu sekam...
This study aims to Know upland rice varieties that are tolerant to drought stress , determine soil m...
A large area of feat soil as available across Aceh Singkil province of Aceh. The possibility of thea...
Demand for rice as a source of food continues to rise, while the capacity to produce a rice paddy mo...
Local upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a type of cereal crop that has the potential for dry land are...
The efforts to increase rice production is still focused on irrigated paddy field, especially by int...
Low national productivity of upland rice is due to the limitation of available water especially duri...
Upland rice whose cultivated on dry land, which has limited needs for growth and production. The low...
Abstract. Merang OP, Lahjie AM, Yusuf S, Ruslim Y. 2020. Productivity of three varieties of local up...
An effort to anticipate a food crisis is to increase food production by planting upland rice in dry ...
Rice is an important food in the world especially in Asia. There are two types of rice cultivars; we...
Upland rice production is still low compared with the result of research and genetic potential. The ...
Growth and Production Some Varieties of Upland Rice with Application Liquid Organic Fertilizer.This ...
Efforts to increase rice production to achieve sustainable production faced a serious challenge. Ric...
This Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) or rice as the main staple food, is very important food crop for the pe...
Different type of soils has different characteristic, structure and nutrient availability which can ...
This study aims to Know upland rice varieties that are tolerant to drought stress , determine soil m...
A large area of feat soil as available across Aceh Singkil province of Aceh. The possibility of thea...
Demand for rice as a source of food continues to rise, while the capacity to produce a rice paddy mo...
Local upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a type of cereal crop that has the potential for dry land are...
The efforts to increase rice production is still focused on irrigated paddy field, especially by int...
Low national productivity of upland rice is due to the limitation of available water especially duri...
Upland rice whose cultivated on dry land, which has limited needs for growth and production. The low...
Abstract. Merang OP, Lahjie AM, Yusuf S, Ruslim Y. 2020. Productivity of three varieties of local up...
An effort to anticipate a food crisis is to increase food production by planting upland rice in dry ...
Rice is an important food in the world especially in Asia. There are two types of rice cultivars; we...
Upland rice production is still low compared with the result of research and genetic potential. The ...
Growth and Production Some Varieties of Upland Rice with Application Liquid Organic Fertilizer.This ...
Efforts to increase rice production to achieve sustainable production faced a serious challenge. Ric...
This Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) or rice as the main staple food, is very important food crop for the pe...
Different type of soils has different characteristic, structure and nutrient availability which can ...
This study aims to Know upland rice varieties that are tolerant to drought stress , determine soil m...
A large area of feat soil as available across Aceh Singkil province of Aceh. The possibility of thea...
Demand for rice as a source of food continues to rise, while the capacity to produce a rice paddy mo...