Wilayatul Hisbah in Aceh stand hand in hand with the implementation of the Islamic jurisprudence requiring the Agency supervisor. The existence of this institution has been legally valid through Qanun number 11 2002 Article 14 of Chapter VI and Qanun No. 12 of 2003 article 16 to 18. Then in the next series of Qanun mentioned authorities and provisions charged to the Wilayatul Hisbah as the catalyst for the success of the Islamic Sharia in Aceh. In law number 11 of 2006 about Aceh Government, strengthen the presence of Wilayatul Hisbah not only as an overseer of the Shari'ah of Islam but more than it did the enforcement of qanun-qanun field of Islamic Shari'ah. It can be seen in section 244 subsection (2) of ACT No. 11 of 2006 explicitly sta...