Mrs Richard L. Holt 1st Sgt R.L Holt Fayetteville Btny "B" 936 FA Bn Arkansas APO. 464% Postmaster RFD #5 New York NY December 21, 1944 My Dearest one Just a few lines this morning honey I bet you know I am OK and I hope you & the youngsters the same. The weather here at the front is still [rotten]. We havent seen the sun up here for days. The mail is slow in comming. That is the first class mail. The pkgs are comming in pretty regular. I havent gotten yours so far and guess I wont get it now untill after I get back from Paris. I am leaving this after noon for Rome. I hope the weather is nice down there. I got a box of air mail stationary from the Bayleys yesterday. It is about like the stuff you...