A sketch of distribution of lichen communities in the difterent vegetation stages, climacic territories and climacic dominia is drawn. A brief characterisation of ecology of each lichen community is given. Some schemes of topographic and altitudinal distribution of them summarizes more than 230 releves.Esbozo de la distribución de las comunidades liquénicas silicícolas en los distintos pisos de vegetación, territorios y dominios climácicos. Se ofrece una breve caracterización de la ecología de cada una de las comunidades liquénicas observadas. Mediante algunos esquemas, se muestra la distribución topográfica y altitudinal de dichas comunidades, sobre la base de más...
A study of climactic communities observed in the Sierras Tejeda and Almijara (Granada and Málaga, p...
El Teleno is a mountain placed in the mountain-chain with the same name. It is 2185 meters hig...
The ombrophobic saxicolous lichen communities in the coastal SE Spain, between the Penyal d'Ifac (Al...
The first results of the research on the epiphytic lichenic vegetation in the Calar del Mundo range ...
Distribntion tnaps of selected silicicolous lichens in SE Spain. I. Spot maps summarizing the data d...
RESUMEN. Vegetación liquénica epzfita de la Sierra del Caurel (Lugo, Galicia). Damos cuenta de los r...
Aspicilietum verrucosae Frey 1927 y Teloschistetum contortuplicati Asta et Roux 1977 son dos asociac...
Floristic results of research in the ranges of central Almerfa, on micaschists and other acid rocks....
Sobre la flora y vegetación liquénicas de las lavas básicas del Sureste de España. Las lavas básicas...
El Teleno es un monte situado en la Sierra del mismo nombre, con una altitud de 2185 m., y que forma...
15 taxa collected between 500 and 1.200 m above sea level in «Parque Natural Sierra Espuña» (Southea...
«Cormophytic flora of Sierra de la Pila (Murcia, SE Spain) I». The Sierra de la Pila is ...
In this paper, we present the first catalogue of the lichen flora that grows on gypsum soils in «Val...
Se aportan los primeros resultados del estudio que, sobre flora liquénica calcícola, se está llevand...
Floristic study of the calcicolous and terricolous lichens from 13 coastal localities in Murcia and ...
A study of climactic communities observed in the Sierras Tejeda and Almijara (Granada and Málaga, p...
El Teleno is a mountain placed in the mountain-chain with the same name. It is 2185 meters hig...
The ombrophobic saxicolous lichen communities in the coastal SE Spain, between the Penyal d'Ifac (Al...
The first results of the research on the epiphytic lichenic vegetation in the Calar del Mundo range ...
Distribntion tnaps of selected silicicolous lichens in SE Spain. I. Spot maps summarizing the data d...
RESUMEN. Vegetación liquénica epzfita de la Sierra del Caurel (Lugo, Galicia). Damos cuenta de los r...
Aspicilietum verrucosae Frey 1927 y Teloschistetum contortuplicati Asta et Roux 1977 son dos asociac...
Floristic results of research in the ranges of central Almerfa, on micaschists and other acid rocks....
Sobre la flora y vegetación liquénicas de las lavas básicas del Sureste de España. Las lavas básicas...
El Teleno es un monte situado en la Sierra del mismo nombre, con una altitud de 2185 m., y que forma...
15 taxa collected between 500 and 1.200 m above sea level in «Parque Natural Sierra Espuña» (Southea...
«Cormophytic flora of Sierra de la Pila (Murcia, SE Spain) I». The Sierra de la Pila is ...
In this paper, we present the first catalogue of the lichen flora that grows on gypsum soils in «Val...
Se aportan los primeros resultados del estudio que, sobre flora liquénica calcícola, se está llevand...
Floristic study of the calcicolous and terricolous lichens from 13 coastal localities in Murcia and ...
A study of climactic communities observed in the Sierras Tejeda and Almijara (Granada and Málaga, p...
El Teleno is a mountain placed in the mountain-chain with the same name. It is 2185 meters hig...
The ombrophobic saxicolous lichen communities in the coastal SE Spain, between the Penyal d'Ifac (Al...