Burung merupakan salah satu jenis satwa liar yang banyak dimanfaatkan oleh manusiasebagai bahan makanan, binatang peliharaan, pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomi, dan estetika(Darmawan 2006). Burung-burung di Rote adalah bagian dari avifauna Timor, dengan banyakkesamaan dengan Semau, sampai saat ini tercatat 157 spesies termasuk sekitar 70 landbirds telahdicatat, dari sebagian burung di pulau Timor belum ditemukan di pulau Rote hal ini karena kurangnyahabitat yang sesuai. Secara keseluruhan endemik burung di Rote sangat tinggi, lebih dari 20 landbirdssekitar 30% dari total spesies burung yang ditemukan merupakan spesies yang masuk dalamrestricted spesies. (verbalen,et,al 2017). SM Harlu merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi yangditunjuk melalui k...
Indonesia is known as the country with the second highest megabiodiversity after Brazil because of i...
Wildbird trade is a threat to the conservation of birds population in Indonesia. The main causes of ...
Bird isa vertebrate which hasfeataer, reproduce by of laying eggs and help pollination, pest predato...
Burung merupakan salah satu hewan yang memiliki suatu posisi yang penting pada salah satu kekayaan s...
Masihulan merupakan desa yang kaya akan potensi flora fauna khususnya burung. Jenis burung di desa M...
Kegiatan wisata maupun beralih fungsi kawasan mengakibatkan mata rantai kehidupan burung terganggu d...
Indonesia ranks fourth in the world to the number of birds after Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. The Su...
Repong Damar is a management system in cultivated area by local community of Krui. It has great bio...
Indonesia is one of the countries with a high level of diversity, including in the bird categor...
Birds are wild animals that have an important role in human life both in terms of economics, tourism...
Wildbird trade is a threat to the conservation of birds population in Indonesia. The main causes of ...
Burung merupakan satwa liar yang banyak ditemukan diberbagai tipe habitat. Indonesia sendiri merupak...
This study was conducted to determine the composition of bird diversity and vegetation stages and co...
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) menyatakan bahwa 22 jenis burung endemic d...
Biodiversity of Indonesia is worldwide known. One of those is bird biodiversity. The native utilize ...
Indonesia is known as the country with the second highest megabiodiversity after Brazil because of i...
Wildbird trade is a threat to the conservation of birds population in Indonesia. The main causes of ...
Bird isa vertebrate which hasfeataer, reproduce by of laying eggs and help pollination, pest predato...
Burung merupakan salah satu hewan yang memiliki suatu posisi yang penting pada salah satu kekayaan s...
Masihulan merupakan desa yang kaya akan potensi flora fauna khususnya burung. Jenis burung di desa M...
Kegiatan wisata maupun beralih fungsi kawasan mengakibatkan mata rantai kehidupan burung terganggu d...
Indonesia ranks fourth in the world to the number of birds after Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. The Su...
Repong Damar is a management system in cultivated area by local community of Krui. It has great bio...
Indonesia is one of the countries with a high level of diversity, including in the bird categor...
Birds are wild animals that have an important role in human life both in terms of economics, tourism...
Wildbird trade is a threat to the conservation of birds population in Indonesia. The main causes of ...
Burung merupakan satwa liar yang banyak ditemukan diberbagai tipe habitat. Indonesia sendiri merupak...
This study was conducted to determine the composition of bird diversity and vegetation stages and co...
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) menyatakan bahwa 22 jenis burung endemic d...
Biodiversity of Indonesia is worldwide known. One of those is bird biodiversity. The native utilize ...
Indonesia is known as the country with the second highest megabiodiversity after Brazil because of i...
Wildbird trade is a threat to the conservation of birds population in Indonesia. The main causes of ...
Bird isa vertebrate which hasfeataer, reproduce by of laying eggs and help pollination, pest predato...