O vírus e a redescoberta da natureza

  • Duarte, Pedro
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Publication date
July 2020
O Que Nos Faz Pensar


The article points out how the pandemic of the new coronavírus interrupted the illusion that prevailed in the western civilizing project of dominance over nature. We were surprised by how a microorganism paralyzed the organization of the world. Through philosophy and art, the article explains the origin of that illusion in the anthropocentrism and humanism that gave man centrality in the universe, with the aim of showing that our actions on nature led to a new unpredictability. We are, therefore, in a moment of rediscovery of nature in its untamed potency.O artigo aponta a forma como a pandemia do novo coronavírus interrompeu a ilusão que imperava no projeto civilizatório ocidental de domínio sobre a natureza. Fomos surpreendidos pelo modo ...

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