Kemenangan Donald Trump sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat yang ke-45 memberikan dampak negatif terhadap beberapa negara di Asia, khususnya pada kinerja pasar modal suatu negara. Penelitian ini mengkaji integrasi pasar modal di beberapa negara kasawan Asia dan Amerika Serikat pasca pelantikan Donald Trump. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah harga penutupan harian masing-masing indeks yang terdiri dari China (SSEC), Amerika Serikat (Dow Jones), Indonesia (IHSG), Jepang (NIKKEI 225), India (NIFTY), Singapura (STI), Malaysia (KLSE), Korea Selatan (KOSPI), Filipina (PSEI), dan Thailand (SETI) dari tanggal 21 Januari 2017 sampai 31 Desember 2019. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Vector Auto Regression (VAR) dan uji Kausalitas Grang...
This study aims to investigate the integration of capital market of Indonesia and America as a resul...
The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a slowdown in a country's economy, creating new g...
Abstract — In this event study we analyse CAR (cumulative abnormal return) difference from each busi...
Kemenangan Donald Trump sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat yang ke-45 memberikan dampak negatif terhad...
Donald Trump’s victory as the 45th President of the United States had negative responses on the ASEA...
The capital market is a means for companies to obtain funds by selling the rights of ownership to th...
This study aims to determine the empirical evidence of differences before and after the announcement...
It is inevitable that the presidential election in the United States can caused stock market fluctua...
This study aims to determine the market reaction to the announcement of the Donald Trump as the elec...
The movement of index value is one of the factor that can be used to analyze stock market integratio...
There are many variables which will be influencing capital market integration. Some of those variabl...
This study is an event study that aims to find empirical evidence whether or not the reaction of the...
Abstract : Financial integration can improve the efficiency of capital allocation as well as help d...
Resulting from the deregulation and prosperity of the economic and financial sectors in Asia during ...
ASEAN is an intergovernmental organization in Shouteast Asia, working together on economic and polit...
This study aims to investigate the integration of capital market of Indonesia and America as a resul...
The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a slowdown in a country's economy, creating new g...
Abstract — In this event study we analyse CAR (cumulative abnormal return) difference from each busi...
Kemenangan Donald Trump sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat yang ke-45 memberikan dampak negatif terhad...
Donald Trump’s victory as the 45th President of the United States had negative responses on the ASEA...
The capital market is a means for companies to obtain funds by selling the rights of ownership to th...
This study aims to determine the empirical evidence of differences before and after the announcement...
It is inevitable that the presidential election in the United States can caused stock market fluctua...
This study aims to determine the market reaction to the announcement of the Donald Trump as the elec...
The movement of index value is one of the factor that can be used to analyze stock market integratio...
There are many variables which will be influencing capital market integration. Some of those variabl...
This study is an event study that aims to find empirical evidence whether or not the reaction of the...
Abstract : Financial integration can improve the efficiency of capital allocation as well as help d...
Resulting from the deregulation and prosperity of the economic and financial sectors in Asia during ...
ASEAN is an intergovernmental organization in Shouteast Asia, working together on economic and polit...
This study aims to investigate the integration of capital market of Indonesia and America as a resul...
The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a slowdown in a country's economy, creating new g...
Abstract — In this event study we analyse CAR (cumulative abnormal return) difference from each busi...