During the interwar period, local press played a major role in the socio-cultural life of the local communities in the Greater Poland region. With the high number of periodicals, the local press had a substantial influence on the socio - cultural life and education in the towns and cities of the region. It played a major educational role. It had an educational influence on the local communities, because the periodicals propagated models and forms of social and family life among them. The political and ideological stance of most of the periodicals was clearly defined as Catholic and national, therefore, the models of social activities that they promoted were consistent with this worldview. In consequence, the press propagated educational pri...
Book and press relationship is important element of cultural phenomenon. Its particular dynamism app...
Antrojo pasaulinio karo metai, vykusi migracija į Lenkiją stipriai pakeitė lenkų bendruomenės gyveni...
The years 1919–1922 were a difficult period for Poland and especially for Upper Silesia. Social unre...
During the interwar period, local press played a major role in the socio-cultural life of the local ...
Local press played a significant role in 2nd Polish Republic both from the perspective if state admi...
Praca „Łomża i region na łamach prasy łomżyńskiej okresu międzywojennego” przedstawia zagadnienia sp...
“Ilustrowana Republika” was a daily published in Łódź in 1925–1939. Apart from the news, it publishe...
This article presents journalists opinions of „Prawda” magazine on peasants matter in the Congress ...
Autoreferat prezentuje główne zagadnienia przedstawione w rozprawie doktorskiej napisanej pod kierun...
W pracy tej zostaje zaprezentowana funkcja edukacyjna prasy z początku XX wieku adresowanej do ludno...
In Poland after the World War II the increasing socio-political conflicts and pressure were accompan...
Eugeniusz Myczka w przedwojennej publicystyce przedstawiał problemy związane z reformą ekonomiczno -...
Article covers the topic of “Gazeta Łódzka” (“Gazeta Wyborcza Łódź”), local supplement added to nat...
The main purpose of this article was to show the socio-economic activity of Joseph Panaś in the pres...
1931 metų lapkričio 9 ir 10 dienos ekscesai Vilniuje pritraukė didelį to meto Lenkijos visuomenes ir...
Book and press relationship is important element of cultural phenomenon. Its particular dynamism app...
Antrojo pasaulinio karo metai, vykusi migracija į Lenkiją stipriai pakeitė lenkų bendruomenės gyveni...
The years 1919–1922 were a difficult period for Poland and especially for Upper Silesia. Social unre...
During the interwar period, local press played a major role in the socio-cultural life of the local ...
Local press played a significant role in 2nd Polish Republic both from the perspective if state admi...
Praca „Łomża i region na łamach prasy łomżyńskiej okresu międzywojennego” przedstawia zagadnienia sp...
“Ilustrowana Republika” was a daily published in Łódź in 1925–1939. Apart from the news, it publishe...
This article presents journalists opinions of „Prawda” magazine on peasants matter in the Congress ...
Autoreferat prezentuje główne zagadnienia przedstawione w rozprawie doktorskiej napisanej pod kierun...
W pracy tej zostaje zaprezentowana funkcja edukacyjna prasy z początku XX wieku adresowanej do ludno...
In Poland after the World War II the increasing socio-political conflicts and pressure were accompan...
Eugeniusz Myczka w przedwojennej publicystyce przedstawiał problemy związane z reformą ekonomiczno -...
Article covers the topic of “Gazeta Łódzka” (“Gazeta Wyborcza Łódź”), local supplement added to nat...
The main purpose of this article was to show the socio-economic activity of Joseph Panaś in the pres...
1931 metų lapkričio 9 ir 10 dienos ekscesai Vilniuje pritraukė didelį to meto Lenkijos visuomenes ir...
Book and press relationship is important element of cultural phenomenon. Its particular dynamism app...
Antrojo pasaulinio karo metai, vykusi migracija į Lenkiją stipriai pakeitė lenkų bendruomenės gyveni...
The years 1919–1922 were a difficult period for Poland and especially for Upper Silesia. Social unre...