Given the current turmoil in financial markets, the search for alterative assets to diversify away from traditional equity portfolios is stronger than ever. Inspired by the diversification potential of commodities and the recent bull-run in commodity prices, the interest in commodity indexes and structured products has revived. This paper provides an overview of the relative merits of passive commodity investments. We evaluate the individual performance of commodities relative to traditional choices of asset allocation. Even though commodities generate equity-like returns , their substantial volatility and downside risk indicate that they do not present a good stand -alone investment. Nonetheless, we show that passive commodity investmen...
By adopting the perspective of a US equity investor, in this study we empirically verify the diversi...
This study is a multivariate analysis of commodities and stock investment in a newly est...
Time variation in expected returns is understood to be a common feature across aggregate asset class...
The finance literature seems to be in support of the diversification benefits of adding commodity fu...
During the last decade commodities have increased in popularity as an alternative asset class. Previ...
Investing in commodities has become a new topic for private investors in recent years. Private inves...
We re-examine diversification benefits of investing in commodities and currencies by considering a r...
<p>The study concentrates on the benefits of passive commodity investments in the context of the phe...
In this article, we note how a set of active commodity strategies could potentially add value to an ...
This paper investigates whether an investor is made better off by including commodities in a portfol...
This paper investigates the usefulness of commodities in investors' portfolios within a mean- varian...
Several years ago, investors started to gain interest for new assets in order to diversify their por...
We examine excess comovement in commodity prices and the extent to which this can be explained by th...
The investment in commodities is starting to be more important during the last years. The paper desc...
With this paper we intend to investigate what kind of benefits there are by adding commodity futures...
By adopting the perspective of a US equity investor, in this study we empirically verify the diversi...
This study is a multivariate analysis of commodities and stock investment in a newly est...
Time variation in expected returns is understood to be a common feature across aggregate asset class...
The finance literature seems to be in support of the diversification benefits of adding commodity fu...
During the last decade commodities have increased in popularity as an alternative asset class. Previ...
Investing in commodities has become a new topic for private investors in recent years. Private inves...
We re-examine diversification benefits of investing in commodities and currencies by considering a r...
<p>The study concentrates on the benefits of passive commodity investments in the context of the phe...
In this article, we note how a set of active commodity strategies could potentially add value to an ...
This paper investigates whether an investor is made better off by including commodities in a portfol...
This paper investigates the usefulness of commodities in investors' portfolios within a mean- varian...
Several years ago, investors started to gain interest for new assets in order to diversify their por...
We examine excess comovement in commodity prices and the extent to which this can be explained by th...
The investment in commodities is starting to be more important during the last years. The paper desc...
With this paper we intend to investigate what kind of benefits there are by adding commodity futures...
By adopting the perspective of a US equity investor, in this study we empirically verify the diversi...
This study is a multivariate analysis of commodities and stock investment in a newly est...
Time variation in expected returns is understood to be a common feature across aggregate asset class...