In the Hebrew Flood narrative the syntax is conducive to the identification of the chronological sequence of events. Syntactical sequences confirm that the total time aboard the ark was 371 days. Noah’s family and the animals entered the ark the same day the Flood began — the day noted in 7:11 by year, month, and day. The 7 days of 7:10 are a fulfillment of the declaration given in 7:4 and are not part of the overall chronology of the Flood itself. There are two 40-day periods. The first 40 days began on the date given in 7:11 and are part of the first 150 days of the Flood. The second 40-day period began on the day after the mountaintops were seen, day 226. After this second 40-day period, three periods of 1 week are related to the release...