Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) has been promoted as a solution for modularization problems known as the tyranny of the dominant decomposition in literature. However, when analyzing AOP languages it can be doubted that uncontrolled AOP is indeed a silver bullet. The contributions of the work presented in this thesis are twofold. First, we critically analyze AOP language constructs and their effects on program semantics to sensitize programmers and researchers to resulting problems. We further demonstrate that AOP—as available in AspectJ and similar languages—can easily result in less understandable, less evolvable, and thus error prone code—quite opposite to its claims. Second, we examine how tools relying on both static and dynamic progr...
Abstract Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a novel programming paradigm that aims at modularizing...
Reasoning, specification, and verification of Aspect-Oriented (AO) programs presents unique challeng...
Context: Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) promises to improve many facets of software quality by pr...
Context: Back in 2001, the MIT announced aspect-oriented programming as a key technology in the next...
International audienceContext. Back in 2001, the MIT announced aspect-oriented programming as a key ...
International audienceBack in 2001, the MIT announced aspect-orientedprogramming as a key technology...
One of the major challenges in aspect-oriented programming is that aspects may have unintended impac...
As programs continue to increase in size, it has become increasingly difficult to separate concerns ...
AbstractThis SCP special collects articles that make contributions to the foundations of aspect-orie...
This thesis aims at two different goals. First, a uniform presentation of the major relevant researc...
Programming techniques have been passed through many development stages in their progressing path to...
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm for improving the modularity of software...
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) improves modularity by encapsulating crosscutting concerns into as...
Aspect oriented programming (AOP) introduces new and powerful modularization constructs. The aspect ...
Abstract Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a novel programming paradigm that aims at modularizing...
Reasoning, specification, and verification of Aspect-Oriented (AO) programs presents unique challeng...
Context: Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) promises to improve many facets of software quality by pr...
Context: Back in 2001, the MIT announced aspect-oriented programming as a key technology in the next...
International audienceContext. Back in 2001, the MIT announced aspect-oriented programming as a key ...
International audienceBack in 2001, the MIT announced aspect-orientedprogramming as a key technology...
One of the major challenges in aspect-oriented programming is that aspects may have unintended impac...
As programs continue to increase in size, it has become increasingly difficult to separate concerns ...
AbstractThis SCP special collects articles that make contributions to the foundations of aspect-orie...
This thesis aims at two different goals. First, a uniform presentation of the major relevant researc...
Programming techniques have been passed through many development stages in their progressing path to...
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm for improving the modularity of software...
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) improves modularity by encapsulating crosscutting concerns into as...
Aspect oriented programming (AOP) introduces new and powerful modularization constructs. The aspect ...
Abstract Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a novel programming paradigm that aims at modularizing...
Reasoning, specification, and verification of Aspect-Oriented (AO) programs presents unique challeng...
Context: Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) promises to improve many facets of software quality by pr...