O fluxo de processos na diretoria de pessoal da Superintendência Regional de Ensino de Monte Carmelo, Minas Gerais: um estudo de caso para otimização das rotinas de trabalho

  • Rafael, Raquel Nogueira
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Publication date
November 2018
Revista Educacao em Foco (UFJF)


This dissertation was produced in the scope of the Master of Professional Studies in Educational Management and Evaluation (PPGP) of the Public Politics Center and Educational Evaluation of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). The research aims to answer the following guiding question: what strategies can be adopted to improve the flow of processes in the Staff Directory of the Regional Superintendence of Monte Carmelo? The general goal is to research how happens the flow of processes in the Staff Directory of the SRE of Monte Carmelo, describing work routines, analyzing the collected data through the research tools, and finally proposing an action plan showing administrative solutions, which will be able to be used for the s...

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