Análise comparativa de três cidades médias mineiras: Ponte Nova, Viçosa e Ubá no contexto da rede urbana da região geográfica intermediária de Juiz de Fora/MG.

  • Barros, Samarane Fonseca de Souza
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Publication date
January 2020
Revista Educacao em Foco (UFJF)


The investigative efforts of this research followed the direction of analyzing, comparatively, the roles that Ponte Nova, Viçosa e Ubá play in the regions and geographic networks where they are located. For this purpose, the three cities were here problematized within the scope of medium-sized cities, i.e., from that urban centers that in the system of the cities unroll intermediary relations. The heterogeneity that integrates the complexity of medium-sized cities put them into different levels. Some of the cities are more integrated to the vertical systems of the global economy, while others such as the three cities here analyzed are more restricted to their respective immediate regions. This group is here assigned as medium-sized cities o...

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