Taxa de incidência e o uso do flushing na prevenção das obstruções de cateter venoso periférico

  • Braga, Luciene Muniz
  • Parreira, Pedro Miguel dos Santos Dinis
  • Arreguy-Sena, Cristina
  • Carlos, Diene Monique
  • Mónico, Lisete dos Santos Mendes
  • Henriques, Maria Adriana Pereira
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Publication date
November 2018


Objective: to evaluate the cumulative incidence of the peripheral venous catheter obstruction and to identify the use of flushing to prevent obstructions.Method: mixed method, with a descriptive cohort study with monitoring of 110 patients from a medical clinic in Portugal. The data collection involved interviews with 22 nurses, documentary analysis and participant observation. Thematic analysis was performed on the qualitative findings and descriptive analysis was performed for the quantitative data.Results: the cumulative incidence of obstruction was 50%. The thematic categories revealed that flushing is a nursing care for the prevention of venous catheter obstruction and is performed before and/or after the administration of the drugs. T...

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