Dysmenorrhea is low abdomen pain which can be felt before, during and after menstruations. It is called Tong Jing in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture and herbs therapies were used in dysmenorrhrea treatment. Acupuncture therapy at the Liangmen point (ST 21), Zhaohai point (KI 6), Xinjian point (LR 2), and Guanyuan point (CV 4) is arranged 12 times, 3 times a week The herbs therapy is papaya leaves powder (Carica Papaya L.) for 3 days during menstruation. The next menstrual period after therapy showed passable improvement, such as lowering level of stiffness and pain, both abdominal and waist, from 7 to 4 scale. Blood clot also disappeared on third to fourth day of menstrual period. Moreover, other grievances like dizziness, c...
<div><p>Objectives</p><p>We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, ...
Objectives: We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, electro acupu...
AbstractPrimary dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecological symptom reported by women and constitu...
We examined the effectiveness of acupuncture to reduce the severity and intensity of primary dysmeno...
Introduction: Dysmenorrhea constitutes one of the most frequent disorders in women of a fertile age....
ObjectiveTo determine if injection of vitamin K3 in an acupuncture point is optimal for the treatmen...
Background: Menstruation is the process of regular discharging of blood in women. The menstrual cycl...
Background. Limited scientific evidence supports the positive effects of traditional Chinese medicin...
Papaya leaves (Carica papaya L.) contain active compounds of flavonoids and alkaloids which have the...
BACKGROUND: Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) is one of the common medical problems among the adolescent g...
We evaluated the effect of acupuncture on NSAID resistant dysmenorrhea related pain [measured accord...
We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, electro acupuncture on th...
Objective: A number of randomised controlled trials have been performed to determine the effectivene...
Menstruation is a sign that a teenager has entered puberty. Menstruation can cause pain or cramping ...
Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is known as cramping pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation ex...
<div><p>Objectives</p><p>We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, ...
Objectives: We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, electro acupu...
AbstractPrimary dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecological symptom reported by women and constitu...
We examined the effectiveness of acupuncture to reduce the severity and intensity of primary dysmeno...
Introduction: Dysmenorrhea constitutes one of the most frequent disorders in women of a fertile age....
ObjectiveTo determine if injection of vitamin K3 in an acupuncture point is optimal for the treatmen...
Background: Menstruation is the process of regular discharging of blood in women. The menstrual cycl...
Background. Limited scientific evidence supports the positive effects of traditional Chinese medicin...
Papaya leaves (Carica papaya L.) contain active compounds of flavonoids and alkaloids which have the...
BACKGROUND: Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) is one of the common medical problems among the adolescent g...
We evaluated the effect of acupuncture on NSAID resistant dysmenorrhea related pain [measured accord...
We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, electro acupuncture on th...
Objective: A number of randomised controlled trials have been performed to determine the effectivene...
Menstruation is a sign that a teenager has entered puberty. Menstruation can cause pain or cramping ...
Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is known as cramping pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation ex...
<div><p>Objectives</p><p>We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, ...
Objectives: We examined the effect of changing treatment timing and the use of manual, electro acupu...
AbstractPrimary dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecological symptom reported by women and constitu...