Sekarang Ini, Banyak Orang Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Cara Yang Lazim Untuk Berkomunikasi Satu Sama Lain, Berbagi Ide-Ide And Pemikiran Dengan Orang-Orang Disekitar Dunia. Di Indonesia, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Tidak Mudah Karena Bahasa Inggris Merupakan Bahasa Asing. Untuk Mempermudah Situasi, Proses Belajar Dan Mengajar Bahasa Inggris Harus Dipusatkan Pada Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Siswa Secara Lisan Dan Tulisan. Disini, Peran Guru Sangatlah Penting. Gunawan, Dkk (2010) Berkata Bahwa Tujuan Dari Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Adalah Untuk Membuat Siswa Mampu Berkomunikasi Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris Dengan Baik. Faktanya, Murid-Murid Di Indonesia Masih Mengalami Kesulitan Dan Seringkali Enggan Untuk Berbicara Dengan Bahasa Inggris Kare...
Keywords: speaking, instructional media, puppet One of the instructional media can be used to te...
The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the students of speaking skills who are taught usin...
Some children are explorative, brave and curious while the rests are shy and intimidated but with th...
Speaking is an important aspect in language learning. By speaking, we can convey information and ide...
Abstract Husna, Zubdatul. Student Registered Number.3213113164. 2015. Improving Students Speaking ...
Keywords: Speaking, Instructional Media, Puppet English is one of foreign languages which is learne...
Research Puppet is a doll, small figures of an animal moved by hands, used in plays or shows. In th...
English is a difficult language to learn for Indonesian learners, especially for the students of Sen...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi bagaimana boneka dapat memberikan keuntungan dalam me...
ABSTRACT - The purpose of this study was to improve students' speaking skill before and after the us...
Berbicara dapat dikatakan sebagai kemampuan yang penting dalam berkomunikasi, karena dengan berbicar...
Nowadays, the possibility of teaching English to Elementary School students has been paid much atten...
This action research aimed to improve students’ participation in English conversation. The participa...
This classroom action research was motivated by the five to six-year-old students’ low English speak...
This research was conducted to investigate whether the use of Hand Puppet Show Media enhances the st...
Keywords: speaking, instructional media, puppet One of the instructional media can be used to te...
The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the students of speaking skills who are taught usin...
Some children are explorative, brave and curious while the rests are shy and intimidated but with th...
Speaking is an important aspect in language learning. By speaking, we can convey information and ide...
Abstract Husna, Zubdatul. Student Registered Number.3213113164. 2015. Improving Students Speaking ...
Keywords: Speaking, Instructional Media, Puppet English is one of foreign languages which is learne...
Research Puppet is a doll, small figures of an animal moved by hands, used in plays or shows. In th...
English is a difficult language to learn for Indonesian learners, especially for the students of Sen...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi bagaimana boneka dapat memberikan keuntungan dalam me...
ABSTRACT - The purpose of this study was to improve students' speaking skill before and after the us...
Berbicara dapat dikatakan sebagai kemampuan yang penting dalam berkomunikasi, karena dengan berbicar...
Nowadays, the possibility of teaching English to Elementary School students has been paid much atten...
This action research aimed to improve students’ participation in English conversation. The participa...
This classroom action research was motivated by the five to six-year-old students’ low English speak...
This research was conducted to investigate whether the use of Hand Puppet Show Media enhances the st...
Keywords: speaking, instructional media, puppet One of the instructional media can be used to te...
The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the students of speaking skills who are taught usin...
Some children are explorative, brave and curious while the rests are shy and intimidated but with th...