학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :농업생명과학대학 농생명공학부,2019. 8. 배의영.Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (cas) genes constitute a prokaryotic adaptive immune system against invading foreign genetic elements like phages and plasmids. CRISPR acts as genetic memory storing short unique DNA sequences that match up with nucleic acid sequences from the intruders that previously tried to attack the host cell. The CRISPR array is accompanied by a set of cas genes encoding the proteins for CRISPR-mediated immunity. Cas1 and Cas2, universally conserved Cas proteins, form a complex and enables memorizing intruders by integrating short fragments from the foreign nucleic acids into the host CRISPR array. In addition, Ca...