미생물 오염원 추적을 위한 F+-specific RNA Coliphage Replicase 유전자의 염기서열 비교분석

  • 조연우
Publication date
February 2012
서울대학교 대학원


학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 환경보건학과, 2012. 2. 고광표.Water contamination of various fecal sources can be the risk factor to human health by causing waterborne disease because of pathogenic microorganisms. We recovered F+ specific coliphages from various animal feces and human fecal samples. Approximately 1.7 kb of replicase gene regions of FRNA coliphages were amplified by RT-PCR and phylogenic analysis was performed using amplified nucleic acid sequences. From 80 samples of various animal (cow, chicken, pig and wild goose) and human feces, total 229 of FDNA and FRNA coliphages were isolated. F+ specific coliphages were most prevalent in wild goose feces (100 %) and were least prevalent in cow feces (10 %). Through RNase sensitivity spot assay, 57...

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