In the seismically active Indian Himalayan region, lack of available flat lands and ever-increasing housing needs have led to widespread construction of multi-storey reinforced concrete moment frame buildings on hilly slopes. Such buildings have foundation at different levels and columns of varying height to accommodate ground slope, introducing stiffness irregularity over the height of the structure. During an earthquake, this can lead to stress concentration in structure and may make them more vulnerable to collapse as compared to their regular counterparts. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the seismic performance and factors influencing collapse capacity of buildings on hilly slopes designed as per modern Indian seismic...
RC buildings constitute the prevailing type of construction in earthquake-prone region like Kathmand...
A large number of gravity load designed (GLD) RC buildings are found in many seismic-prone countries...
Stability of infrastructure during earthquakes demands ground response analysis to be carried out fo...
As we all know that the R.C. structures which are constructed on slope of mountains are commonly asy...
In some parts of world, hilly area is more prone to seismic activity; e.g. northeast region of In...
Structures might be thought about as crooked in strategy or in altitude based upon the circulation o...
The Indian subcontinent comes under the category of the world’s most disaster prone areas with a pop...
Structural design in rocky areas is more susceptible to seismic conditions compared to structures st...
High-rise Reinforced concrete Structures have become common in urban India. Behavior of Structures u...
The Buildings on the hills differs from other buildings constructed in plain terrain. Each floor of ...
Buildings may be considered as asymmetric in plan or in elevation based on the distribution of mass ...
In the recent years, each unpredictable earthquake (for example Kobe, 1995; Taiwan, 1999; Kocaeli, 1...
In recent years India has been considered as one of the disaster prone countries in the world. Studi...
Bhutan locates in a high seismicity region but has no seismic design code of its own. Recent devasta...
Inspite of its location in one of the most active seismic zones in the world, Bhutan has no seismic ...
RC buildings constitute the prevailing type of construction in earthquake-prone region like Kathmand...
A large number of gravity load designed (GLD) RC buildings are found in many seismic-prone countries...
Stability of infrastructure during earthquakes demands ground response analysis to be carried out fo...
As we all know that the R.C. structures which are constructed on slope of mountains are commonly asy...
In some parts of world, hilly area is more prone to seismic activity; e.g. northeast region of In...
Structures might be thought about as crooked in strategy or in altitude based upon the circulation o...
The Indian subcontinent comes under the category of the world’s most disaster prone areas with a pop...
Structural design in rocky areas is more susceptible to seismic conditions compared to structures st...
High-rise Reinforced concrete Structures have become common in urban India. Behavior of Structures u...
The Buildings on the hills differs from other buildings constructed in plain terrain. Each floor of ...
Buildings may be considered as asymmetric in plan or in elevation based on the distribution of mass ...
In the recent years, each unpredictable earthquake (for example Kobe, 1995; Taiwan, 1999; Kocaeli, 1...
In recent years India has been considered as one of the disaster prone countries in the world. Studi...
Bhutan locates in a high seismicity region but has no seismic design code of its own. Recent devasta...
Inspite of its location in one of the most active seismic zones in the world, Bhutan has no seismic ...
RC buildings constitute the prevailing type of construction in earthquake-prone region like Kathmand...
A large number of gravity load designed (GLD) RC buildings are found in many seismic-prone countries...
Stability of infrastructure during earthquakes demands ground response analysis to be carried out fo...