Village map is a basic thematic map that contains elements and information on boundaries, transportation infrastructure, toponyms, waters, infrastructure, land cover and land use that are presented in several map forms. The diversity of village map types in Indonesia is one of the reasons for the Geospatial Information Agency to make a standardization policy of village mapping as a national reference. Procurement of village maps is needed to accelerate the process of village and rural development by utilizing spatial data. The final result of this study is a village map consisting of an image map, a map of land cover, and a map of infrastructure. The presentation of the Panyuran Sub-District map is adjusted to the map elements that must be ...
Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a s...
Dalam proses pemberdayaan desa di Kabupaten Garut terdapat masalah yang harus diselesaikan yaitu kes...
Indonesia is an agricultural country that has an agricultural land area of 70 million hectares. Howe...
Abstract: The making of Village Boundary Map is mandated by the Law No 6 0f 2014 on Village. The map...
Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Benua Puhun Kecamatan Muara Kaman Kab...
Delimitation of the village under Regulation No. 27 In 2006 (Permendagri No.27 Tahun 2006) the proce...
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides additional evidence that Indonesia has paid more atte...
Langlang Village is a village in Singosari District with a strategic location close to the main rout...
Peta desa adalah peta tematik bersifat dasar yang berisi unsur dan informasi batas wilayah, infrastr...
Digital spatial data has the highest demand, especially for the needs of analysis in terms of mappin...
ABSTRACT Geodetic science is practically making maps of the earth's surfa...
Village boundaries are the boundaries of government administration areas between one village and ano...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi Desa Karamat Mulya baik dari batas administrasi de...
This study aims to improve the land parcel quality to improve the Mega Regency Housing Block K's spa...
Village development is a long-term sustainable project. Village development efforts have always been...
Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a s...
Dalam proses pemberdayaan desa di Kabupaten Garut terdapat masalah yang harus diselesaikan yaitu kes...
Indonesia is an agricultural country that has an agricultural land area of 70 million hectares. Howe...
Abstract: The making of Village Boundary Map is mandated by the Law No 6 0f 2014 on Village. The map...
Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Benua Puhun Kecamatan Muara Kaman Kab...
Delimitation of the village under Regulation No. 27 In 2006 (Permendagri No.27 Tahun 2006) the proce...
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides additional evidence that Indonesia has paid more atte...
Langlang Village is a village in Singosari District with a strategic location close to the main rout...
Peta desa adalah peta tematik bersifat dasar yang berisi unsur dan informasi batas wilayah, infrastr...
Digital spatial data has the highest demand, especially for the needs of analysis in terms of mappin...
ABSTRACT Geodetic science is practically making maps of the earth's surfa...
Village boundaries are the boundaries of government administration areas between one village and ano...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi Desa Karamat Mulya baik dari batas administrasi de...
This study aims to improve the land parcel quality to improve the Mega Regency Housing Block K's spa...
Village development is a long-term sustainable project. Village development efforts have always been...
Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a s...
Dalam proses pemberdayaan desa di Kabupaten Garut terdapat masalah yang harus diselesaikan yaitu kes...
Indonesia is an agricultural country that has an agricultural land area of 70 million hectares. Howe...