Niske temperature mogu predstavljati stresne uvjete za biljke i negativno utjecati na njihove fiziološke i biokemijske procese kao što je fotosinteza. Cilj ovog rada bio je proučiti utjecaj niske temperature (5°C) na fotosintetsku učinkovitost Japanskog dvornika (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) nakon različite duljine izlaganja (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24 i 48 sati). U tu svrhu mjerena je fluorescencija klorofila a. Analizom parametra JIP-testa opisan je prijenos energije reakcijskim središtima fotosustava II te indeks fotosintetske učinkovitosti (PIABS). Kratkotrajna izlaganja biljaka niskoj temperaturi (1-16 sati) nisu pokazala negativan utjecaj na prijenos energije po aktivnom reakcijskom središtu, dok je kod dugotrajnijih izlaganja (24 i 4...
W pracy wykazano, że działanie NaCl powoduje u pszenicy i kukurydzy obniżenie takich parametrów indu...
Krumpir je jedna od najvažnijih prehrambenih kultura za većinu svjetske populacije, a ujedno je vrlo...
The study aims were to establish whether different cultivars of Zea mays L. exhibited differences in...
Niske temperature mogu predstavljati stresne uvjete za biljke i negativno utjecati na njihove fiziol...
The Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) is considered as one of the most aggressive and h...
Japanski dvornik (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) invazivna je vrsta s negativnim utjecajem na okoliš i ...
Chla fluorescence, as a mode of estimation of photosynthesis, especially are sensitive to changes of...
Chla fluorescence, as a mode of estimation of photosynthesis, is especially sensitive to changes in ...
Photosynthetic performance of carrageenophyte (Solieriaceae; Rhodophyta) cultured in Indonesia, Kapp...
The phenomenon of a midday decrease in quantum and all other efficiencies of photosynthesis has been...
The photosynthetic performance of two species of Meristotheca (Solieriaceae,Rhoodophyta) ,M. coacta ...
Diplomsko delo obsega raziskavo, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti posledice povečane koncentracije soli...
The effects of PAR and temperature on induction of Chl a fluorescence were observed on leaves of 20 ...
Neven (Calendula officinalis L.), odoljen (Valeriana officinalis L.) i kopriva (Urtica dioica L.) pr...
The initial idea of this study was a hypothesis that erect leaf maize inbred lines were characterize...
W pracy wykazano, że działanie NaCl powoduje u pszenicy i kukurydzy obniżenie takich parametrów indu...
Krumpir je jedna od najvažnijih prehrambenih kultura za većinu svjetske populacije, a ujedno je vrlo...
The study aims were to establish whether different cultivars of Zea mays L. exhibited differences in...
Niske temperature mogu predstavljati stresne uvjete za biljke i negativno utjecati na njihove fiziol...
The Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) is considered as one of the most aggressive and h...
Japanski dvornik (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) invazivna je vrsta s negativnim utjecajem na okoliš i ...
Chla fluorescence, as a mode of estimation of photosynthesis, especially are sensitive to changes of...
Chla fluorescence, as a mode of estimation of photosynthesis, is especially sensitive to changes in ...
Photosynthetic performance of carrageenophyte (Solieriaceae; Rhodophyta) cultured in Indonesia, Kapp...
The phenomenon of a midday decrease in quantum and all other efficiencies of photosynthesis has been...
The photosynthetic performance of two species of Meristotheca (Solieriaceae,Rhoodophyta) ,M. coacta ...
Diplomsko delo obsega raziskavo, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti posledice povečane koncentracije soli...
The effects of PAR and temperature on induction of Chl a fluorescence were observed on leaves of 20 ...
Neven (Calendula officinalis L.), odoljen (Valeriana officinalis L.) i kopriva (Urtica dioica L.) pr...
The initial idea of this study was a hypothesis that erect leaf maize inbred lines were characterize...
W pracy wykazano, że działanie NaCl powoduje u pszenicy i kukurydzy obniżenie takich parametrów indu...
Krumpir je jedna od najvažnijih prehrambenih kultura za većinu svjetske populacije, a ujedno je vrlo...
The study aims were to establish whether different cultivars of Zea mays L. exhibited differences in...