To investigate the role of the anode on the polarization losses of a High-Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (HT-PEMFC), we analyzed impedance data using the Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) method. Thereby, we varied the operating conditions of the anode (humidification, nitrogen dilution, and carbon monoxide (CO) impurities) to study its impact on Nyquist plot and DRT spectrum. Humidification of the hydrogen was found to dilute phosphoric acid, which is visible in the DRT. Nitrogen dilution of the anode gas slightly increases the Mass Transport (MT) resistance. Furthermore, CO was added to anode gas fed and it impacts the impedance throughout the whole frequency range, specifically the medium and low-frequency range,...
An accelerated approach towards the development and commercialization of hydrogen fuel cells in the ...
Degradation caused by fuel starvation may be an important reason for limited fuel cell lifetimes. In...
In this work, the effect of stepping the CO amount at the anode gas feed from 0.0 % to 1.5 % or 3.0 ...
In this study, Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) was successfully demonstrated in the analysis ...
Two high temperature polymer exchange membrane fuel cells (HT-PEM FCs) were operated under repeated ...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a well-established method to analyze a polymer elect...
In this paper, we experimentally investigated two high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel...
The PBI/H3PO4 high temperature (HT) PEM fuel cell is often fueled with H2-rich reformates which typi...
The carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning effect on carbon supported catalysts (Pt-Ru/C and Pt/C) in polyme...
Polarization losses of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells at 120 °C and reduced relative humi...
A high temperature PEM (HTPEM) fuel cell model capable of simulating both steady state and dynamic o...
Polarization losses of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells at 120 degrees C and reduced relati...
The carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning effect on carbon supported catalysts (Pt-Ru/C and Pt/C in polymer...
A single PEMFC has been operated by varying the assembly temperature, the air dew point temperature ...
This work investigates the influence of carbon dioxide and non-reacted methanol, present in the refo...
An accelerated approach towards the development and commercialization of hydrogen fuel cells in the ...
Degradation caused by fuel starvation may be an important reason for limited fuel cell lifetimes. In...
In this work, the effect of stepping the CO amount at the anode gas feed from 0.0 % to 1.5 % or 3.0 ...
In this study, Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) was successfully demonstrated in the analysis ...
Two high temperature polymer exchange membrane fuel cells (HT-PEM FCs) were operated under repeated ...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a well-established method to analyze a polymer elect...
In this paper, we experimentally investigated two high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel...
The PBI/H3PO4 high temperature (HT) PEM fuel cell is often fueled with H2-rich reformates which typi...
The carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning effect on carbon supported catalysts (Pt-Ru/C and Pt/C) in polyme...
Polarization losses of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells at 120 °C and reduced relative humi...
A high temperature PEM (HTPEM) fuel cell model capable of simulating both steady state and dynamic o...
Polarization losses of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells at 120 degrees C and reduced relati...
The carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning effect on carbon supported catalysts (Pt-Ru/C and Pt/C in polymer...
A single PEMFC has been operated by varying the assembly temperature, the air dew point temperature ...
This work investigates the influence of carbon dioxide and non-reacted methanol, present in the refo...
An accelerated approach towards the development and commercialization of hydrogen fuel cells in the ...
Degradation caused by fuel starvation may be an important reason for limited fuel cell lifetimes. In...
In this work, the effect of stepping the CO amount at the anode gas feed from 0.0 % to 1.5 % or 3.0 ...