We complete the mathematical analysis of the fine structure of harmonic measure on SLE curves that was initiated in Beliaev and Smirnov (Commun Math Phys 290(2):577–595, 2009), as described by the averaged integral means spectrum. For the unbounded version of whole-plane SLE as studied in Duplantier et al. (Ann Henri Poincaré 16(6):1311–1395, 2014. arXiv:1211.2451) and Loutsenko and Yermolayeva (J Stat Mech P04007, 2013), a phase transition has been shown to occur for high enough moments from the bulk spectrum towards a novel spectrum related to the point at infinity. For the bounded version of whole-plane SLE of Beliaev and Smirnov, a similar transition phenomenon, now associated with the SLE origin, is proved to exist for low enough momen...