This thesis is a research result entitled "The Application of the Debate Method (Student Debate Club) to Improve Students Argumentation Skills in Learning History (Class Action Research at XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 9 Bandung)". This research was motivated by the findings of researchers at XI IPS 1 Class in SMA Negeri 9 Bandung which showed that students were still lacking in argumentation skills. This can be seen from the majority of students who just quiet when the teacher given the opportunity to ask questions or make some arguments, and when asked by the teacher these students didn’t understand. Therefore, the researchers conducted a class action research conducted in three cycles. Each of the cycles is performed one action using the Class Act...
ABSTRACT Sueb. 2011. Utilizing Debate Method in EFL Class to Improve the Argumentative Writing Abi...
Debate is one of the methods which can be applied in class activity, especially in speaking class. I...
This research explores the use of debate activities which are implemented in an Indonesian high scho...
The research is conducted under the students’ need about students’ argumentative skills during debat...
This study focuses on determining how argumentation techniques can improve students' speaking skills...
This study aims to analyze the profile argumentation skills of students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in...
: The purpose of conducting this research is to improve students' speaking ability in giving opinion...
<p>Controversial history learning has not been implemented optimally so that critical thinking skill...
Abstract: The purpose of conducting this research is to improve students’ speaking ability in giving...
This research is intended to answer the problem about how does group discussion technique improve sp...
This study aims to improve students' speaking skills by applying the debate. Classroom action resear...
Critical debate is a technique for developing students’ critical thinking to give their personal vie...
This study is based on the important of speaking skill. Speaking was important to be learnt because ...
Argumentative writing is a crucial part of the language learning process. Nevertheless, many student...
This research is done at SMK Negeri 1 Aramo. The subject of this research is the tenth grade which c...
ABSTRACT Sueb. 2011. Utilizing Debate Method in EFL Class to Improve the Argumentative Writing Abi...
Debate is one of the methods which can be applied in class activity, especially in speaking class. I...
This research explores the use of debate activities which are implemented in an Indonesian high scho...
The research is conducted under the students’ need about students’ argumentative skills during debat...
This study focuses on determining how argumentation techniques can improve students' speaking skills...
This study aims to analyze the profile argumentation skills of students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in...
: The purpose of conducting this research is to improve students' speaking ability in giving opinion...
<p>Controversial history learning has not been implemented optimally so that critical thinking skill...
Abstract: The purpose of conducting this research is to improve students’ speaking ability in giving...
This research is intended to answer the problem about how does group discussion technique improve sp...
This study aims to improve students' speaking skills by applying the debate. Classroom action resear...
Critical debate is a technique for developing students’ critical thinking to give their personal vie...
This study is based on the important of speaking skill. Speaking was important to be learnt because ...
Argumentative writing is a crucial part of the language learning process. Nevertheless, many student...
This research is done at SMK Negeri 1 Aramo. The subject of this research is the tenth grade which c...
ABSTRACT Sueb. 2011. Utilizing Debate Method in EFL Class to Improve the Argumentative Writing Abi...
Debate is one of the methods which can be applied in class activity, especially in speaking class. I...
This research explores the use of debate activities which are implemented in an Indonesian high scho...