Quantum size effects are calculated in thin layered semiconductor-metal-semi-conductor structures using an ideal free-electron model for the metal layer. The physical insight thereby gained is used to make projections for the behavior of real material systems. The results suggest new quantum well structures having device applications. Structures with sufficiently high quality interfaces should exhibit effects such as negative differential resistance due to tunneling between allowed states. Similarly, optical detection by intersubband absorption may be possible. We also predict that ultrathin metal layers can behave as high density dopant sheets. © 1988
Quantum corrections to the conductivity have been studied in the two types of low-mobility two-dimen...
The substrate lattice structure may have a considerable influence on the formation of quantum well s...
The work presented here is concerned with theoretical investigations of electronic states in small-s...
Quantum-size effects are calculated in thin layered semiconductor-metal- semiconductor structures us...
This invaluable book is devoted to the physics, technology and device applications of semiconductor ...
Electronic states are quantized in metallic thin films. Coupled with angular resolution, this allows...
This thesis investigates the interplay between reduced dimensionality, electronic structure, and int...
Quantization in energy level due to confinement is generally observed for semiconductors. This prope...
This thesis investigates the interplay between reduced dimensionality, electronic structure, and int...
The chapter illustrates how simple quantum mechanics can sometimes provide quite precise description...
The quantum wells formed by ultra-thin metallic films on appropriate metallic substrates provide a r...
Thin metal films have been studied for decades and are widely employed in a myriad of applications. ...
In semiconductor devices one basically distinguishes three spatial scales: The atomistic scale of th...
Some of the recent developments in the field of semiconductor devices are discussed. Two trends are ...
Presenting the latest advances in artificial structures, this volume discusses in-depth the structur...
Quantum corrections to the conductivity have been studied in the two types of low-mobility two-dimen...
The substrate lattice structure may have a considerable influence on the formation of quantum well s...
The work presented here is concerned with theoretical investigations of electronic states in small-s...
Quantum-size effects are calculated in thin layered semiconductor-metal- semiconductor structures us...
This invaluable book is devoted to the physics, technology and device applications of semiconductor ...
Electronic states are quantized in metallic thin films. Coupled with angular resolution, this allows...
This thesis investigates the interplay between reduced dimensionality, electronic structure, and int...
Quantization in energy level due to confinement is generally observed for semiconductors. This prope...
This thesis investigates the interplay between reduced dimensionality, electronic structure, and int...
The chapter illustrates how simple quantum mechanics can sometimes provide quite precise description...
The quantum wells formed by ultra-thin metallic films on appropriate metallic substrates provide a r...
Thin metal films have been studied for decades and are widely employed in a myriad of applications. ...
In semiconductor devices one basically distinguishes three spatial scales: The atomistic scale of th...
Some of the recent developments in the field of semiconductor devices are discussed. Two trends are ...
Presenting the latest advances in artificial structures, this volume discusses in-depth the structur...
Quantum corrections to the conductivity have been studied in the two types of low-mobility two-dimen...
The substrate lattice structure may have a considerable influence on the formation of quantum well s...
The work presented here is concerned with theoretical investigations of electronic states in small-s...