In the aftermath of World War II, twelve million Germans were forced to seek refuge elsewhere in their country. Their sort attracted the attention of Catholic charities such as the Eastern Priests Relief Organization, which provided material and spiritual assistance through a fleet of mobile chapels. This paper claims that this action was a genuinely ‘modern’ form of missionary work in the sense that both its method and message were a child of its time: dwelling on a culture of generalized mobility and mass communication, it spread the word of a triumphalist church claiming moral superiority over other world views, in particular communism. Moreover, the chapel trucks anticipated a fundamental paradigm shift in pastoral care, bringing the c...
The article deals with the history of evangelicalism in Austria, a subject on which there is hardly ...
The Inner Mission in the evangelical church was an organized and diverse establishment for the provi...
This paper provides an account of an alternative model of Christian mission developed by post-1970 n...
[Resumen] Como consecuencia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, doce millones de alemanes se vieron obliga... the aftermath of World War II, betwe...
In the aftermath of World War II, twelve million Germans were forced to seek refuge elsewhere in the...
The Franciscan missionaries entered the town barefoot, carrying a large cross and an image of Christ...
Since the Second World War Europe has increasingly been considered as a 'mission field'. Sometimes i...
It was 1893, a depression year economically. But it was a great year within the Missouri Synod. At i...
The author of the article points to the importance of evangelical pastors in Masuria after World War...
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appe...
The Czech Republic is one of the most secular countries in the world. Moreover, the church has not b...
After the World War II there were thousands of migrants – refugees who had left their native lands a...
Evangelical Visitor Quarterly Supplement on Missions work included in the Feb 21, 1949 edition of th...
This paper explores how and to what extent the Lutheran Church in Slovakia living and seeking to ful...
The article deals with the history of evangelicalism in Austria, a subject on which there is hardly ...
The Inner Mission in the evangelical church was an organized and diverse establishment for the provi...
This paper provides an account of an alternative model of Christian mission developed by post-1970 n...
[Resumen] Como consecuencia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, doce millones de alemanes se vieron obliga... the aftermath of World War II, betwe...
In the aftermath of World War II, twelve million Germans were forced to seek refuge elsewhere in the...
The Franciscan missionaries entered the town barefoot, carrying a large cross and an image of Christ...
Since the Second World War Europe has increasingly been considered as a 'mission field'. Sometimes i...
It was 1893, a depression year economically. But it was a great year within the Missouri Synod. At i...
The author of the article points to the importance of evangelical pastors in Masuria after World War...
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appe...
The Czech Republic is one of the most secular countries in the world. Moreover, the church has not b...
After the World War II there were thousands of migrants – refugees who had left their native lands a...
Evangelical Visitor Quarterly Supplement on Missions work included in the Feb 21, 1949 edition of th...
This paper explores how and to what extent the Lutheran Church in Slovakia living and seeking to ful...
The article deals with the history of evangelicalism in Austria, a subject on which there is hardly ...
The Inner Mission in the evangelical church was an organized and diverse establishment for the provi...
This paper provides an account of an alternative model of Christian mission developed by post-1970 n...