Recipient leukocyte infusion enhances the local and systemic graft-versus-neuroblastoma effect of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in mice

  • Willems, Leen
  • Fevery, Sabien
  • Sprangers, Ben
  • Rutgeerts, Omer
  • Lenaerts, Caroline
  • Ibrahimi, Abdelilah
  • Gijsbers, Rik
  • Van Gool, Stefaan
  • Waer, Mark
  • Billiau, An
Publication date
October 2013
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Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and donor leukocyte infusion (DLI) may hold potential as a novel form of immunotherapy for high-risk neuroblastoma. DLI, however, carries the risk of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Recipient leukocyte infusion (RLI) induces graft-versus-leukemia responses without GvHD in mice and is currently being explored clinically. Here, we demonstrate that both DLI and RLI, when given to mixed C57BL/6 → A/J radiation chimeras carrying subcutaneous Neuro2A neuroblastoma implants, can slow the local growth of such tumors. DLI provoked full donor chimerism and GvHD; RLI produced graft rejection but left mice healthy. Flow cytometric studies showed that the chimerism of intratumoral leukocytes parallele...

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