Modern processors rely heavily on speculation to provide performance. Techniques such as branch prediction, caching, prefetching, memory dependence prediction etc. use features from recent program behavior to predict the near future, allowing remarkable improvement in performance and energy efficiency. Speculative execution use instruction caches (I-cache), branch target buffers (BTB) and Translation Look-aside Buffers (TLBs) to improve instruction fetch in front-end. The branch predictor speculates about future control flow while cache structures speculate about future data and instruction accesses. TLBs help minimize the need for costly page table-sourced translations by caching recently retrieved virtual-to-physical address. Due to timin...
. Data speculation refers to the execution of an instruction before some logically preceding instruc...
Cache memories are commonly implemented through multiple memory banks to improve bandwidth and laten...
As the gap between memory and processor performance continues to grow, more and more programs will ...
Modern processors rely heavily on speculation to provide performance. Techniques such as branch pred...
Cache replacement and branch prediction are two important microarchitectural prediction techniques f...
Speculative execution, the base on which modern high-performance general-purpose CPUs are built on, ...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
Efficient data supply to the processor is the one of the keys to achieve high performance. However, ...
Speculative execution, the base on which modern high-performance general-purpose CPUs are built on, ...
Abstract—Most mechanisms in current superscalar processors use instruction granularity information f...
Branch prediction feeds a speculative execution processor core with instructions. Branch mispredicti...
Branch prediction feeds a speculative execution processor core with instructions. Branch mispredicti...
Processor architectures will increasingly rely on issuing multiple instructions to make full use of ...
The increasing speed gap between processor microarchitectures and memory technologies can potentiall...
. Data speculation refers to the execution of an instruction before some logically preceding instruc...
Cache memories are commonly implemented through multiple memory banks to improve bandwidth and laten...
As the gap between memory and processor performance continues to grow, more and more programs will ...
Modern processors rely heavily on speculation to provide performance. Techniques such as branch pred...
Cache replacement and branch prediction are two important microarchitectural prediction techniques f...
Speculative execution, the base on which modern high-performance general-purpose CPUs are built on, ...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
Efficient data supply to the processor is the one of the keys to achieve high performance. However, ...
Speculative execution, the base on which modern high-performance general-purpose CPUs are built on, ...
Abstract—Most mechanisms in current superscalar processors use instruction granularity information f...
Branch prediction feeds a speculative execution processor core with instructions. Branch mispredicti...
Branch prediction feeds a speculative execution processor core with instructions. Branch mispredicti...
Processor architectures will increasingly rely on issuing multiple instructions to make full use of ...
The increasing speed gap between processor microarchitectures and memory technologies can potentiall...
. Data speculation refers to the execution of an instruction before some logically preceding instruc...
Cache memories are commonly implemented through multiple memory banks to improve bandwidth and laten...
As the gap between memory and processor performance continues to grow, more and more programs will ...