In the early 1940s, composer Luigi Dallapiccola (1904-1975) wrote a triptych of song cycles for voice and instruments, the Liriche greche ("Greek Lyrics"). The individual cycles are Cinque frammenti di Saffo ("Five Sappho Fragments," 1942); Sex carmina Alcaei ("Six Alcaeus Songs," 1943); and Due liriche di Aruicreonte ("Two Anacreon Lyrics," 1944-45). The songs, settings of Salvatore Quasimodo's Italian translation of ancient Greek lyrics, were the first works Dallapiccola composed in his mature, dodecaphonic style. For Dallapiccola—twentieth-century man, Italian, Central European, lover of literature, essayist, protester against oppression, and composer—music was a means of self-expression. The central questions of this study are; what doe...