Digital Detectives - How Mediatization and the Culture of Convergence Allows Us to Conduct Trials Online

  • Eriksson Derestam, Ottilia
Publication date
January 2020
Linköpings universitet, Tekniska högskolan


True crime has established itself as a genre with a huge amount of dedicated viewers worldwide,and has gone from ”trash culture” to big, Emmy award-winning productions. Consumers of thegenre has evolved from passively watching the series on the couch, to actively getting engaged in thecase over internet forums as ”digital detectives”. In combination with the technological developmentand the growth of the media, including the shift in power this has contributed to, we now face newchallenges that society has not yet been able to address. The genres influence on its consumers iswidely debated, as is the influence of today’s media climate on our perception of the world, andstudies that address why we expose ourself to this type of content have ...

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