I den här masteruppsatsen frågar vi oss vilka faktorer som har betydelse för riksdagsmandatets representation. En stor del av den allmänna bilden är att svensk politik i huvudsak är nationellt partiorienterad och att basen för folkviljans förverkligande är åsiktsrepresentation. Tidigare forskning tycks också ge stöd åt detta antagande. Uppsatsen frågar sig om detta verkligen är fallet. I studien används en kvalitativ intervjumetod för att ta sig ann forskningsproblemet. För att närmare förstå frågan använder vi oss också av en bredd av respondenter som inkluderar inte enbart riksdagsledamöter utan även regionala partiföreträdare. Förhoppningen är att detta ska ge en tydligare bild av hur olika politiska företrädare förstår riksdagsuppdraget...
State and the lobbyists- a study on how non-governmental bills and reports believes that the state s...
I Sveriges val 2018 fick åtta partier mandaten i Riksdagen: M, C, S, V, L, KD, SD och MP. Partiernas...
The appointing of Swedish governmental officials has gone through a dramatic change the last nine ye...
I den här masteruppsatsen frågar vi oss vilka faktorer som har betydelse för riksdagsmandatets repre...
Although the Swedish constitution states that the parliament should represent the people, many resea...
The Voices of Parliament Congruence between party and person The purpose of this study is to determ...
This study investigates differences among Swedish members of parliament in approaches to public sect...
This book studies the role of individuals’ personal ambitions in politics. Swedish Members of Parlia...
The increasing internationalization puts new demands on national democracy and national parliamentar...
This thesis aims to study if descriptive representation, i.e. the social likeness between representa...
The EU Invite all Member states to work for greater equality in politics because it creates socio-ec...
In many parts of the world women are still largely underrepresented in parliaments. Sweden is howeve...
The conceived notion on the need and purpose for parliamentary questioning rests upon the idea of mi...
The Swedish head of state is a constitutional monarch. 2010 is an election year and in June Crown Pr...
The Reparliamentarization of Sweden? The Use and Relevance of Parliamentary Resolutions to the Gover...
State and the lobbyists- a study on how non-governmental bills and reports believes that the state s...
I Sveriges val 2018 fick åtta partier mandaten i Riksdagen: M, C, S, V, L, KD, SD och MP. Partiernas...
The appointing of Swedish governmental officials has gone through a dramatic change the last nine ye...
I den här masteruppsatsen frågar vi oss vilka faktorer som har betydelse för riksdagsmandatets repre...
Although the Swedish constitution states that the parliament should represent the people, many resea...
The Voices of Parliament Congruence between party and person The purpose of this study is to determ...
This study investigates differences among Swedish members of parliament in approaches to public sect...
This book studies the role of individuals’ personal ambitions in politics. Swedish Members of Parlia...
The increasing internationalization puts new demands on national democracy and national parliamentar...
This thesis aims to study if descriptive representation, i.e. the social likeness between representa...
The EU Invite all Member states to work for greater equality in politics because it creates socio-ec...
In many parts of the world women are still largely underrepresented in parliaments. Sweden is howeve...
The conceived notion on the need and purpose for parliamentary questioning rests upon the idea of mi...
The Swedish head of state is a constitutional monarch. 2010 is an election year and in June Crown Pr...
The Reparliamentarization of Sweden? The Use and Relevance of Parliamentary Resolutions to the Gover...
State and the lobbyists- a study on how non-governmental bills and reports believes that the state s...
I Sveriges val 2018 fick åtta partier mandaten i Riksdagen: M, C, S, V, L, KD, SD och MP. Partiernas...
The appointing of Swedish governmental officials has gone through a dramatic change the last nine ye...