After a few words on the rivers flowing into the Paris area, i. e. the rivers Seine and Marne, and the main floods on record, existing cmd planned flood protection works for Paris cmd its surroundings are briefly described, such as local protection and river training works, diversions and storage dams. The effect of these works on damaging flood levels is assessed.Après une brève présentation des rivières qui arrosent l’agglomération parisienne (Seine et Marne) et des principales crues observées, le rapport décrit sommairement les ouvrages réalisés ou projetés pour la protection de l’agglomération parisienne contre les inondations. Ces ouvrages se rattachent à divers types d’aménagement (protection locale, correction du lit, dérivations, b...
A technical and economic comparison of the above forms of protection made without due allowance for ...
Through the Canal de Provence, the water of Verdon River is distributed in Aix-en-Provence, Marseill...
Continuous hydroelectric development of the Rhone by the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône in successive ...
The river Marne slowly flows through three counties of "Ile-de-France", travelling over 100 kilometr...
A technical flood protection study of the river Hérault shows the need for river dykes and attenuati...
Although there are very many different flood protection methods, none is universally or totally effe...
General hydrological features in the Gard ‘ Département ’ and catastrophic floods of the rivers Vido...
Protection work against flooding by the river Vidourle is reviewed, also the advantages and drawback...
Abstract. - While measures adopted to combat flood losses are increased and in spite of large scale ...
The drafting of a flood prevention policy for the Adour basin was carried out as part of a program o...
Severe ground subsidences due to the local coal pits have occurred in land beside the river Meuse ar...
Flood risk management on the upper river Seine basin "La Bassée": project managed by EPTB Seine Gran...
Great Paris may be affected by a flood of the Seine and Marne rivers. Flooding (such as January 1910...
The greater Paris region faces a significant risk of flooding due to potential spill-over from the S...
Whereas flooding depends on the surface elevation of the water at the point at which it leaves the r...
A technical and economic comparison of the above forms of protection made without due allowance for ...
Through the Canal de Provence, the water of Verdon River is distributed in Aix-en-Provence, Marseill...
Continuous hydroelectric development of the Rhone by the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône in successive ...
The river Marne slowly flows through three counties of "Ile-de-France", travelling over 100 kilometr...
A technical flood protection study of the river Hérault shows the need for river dykes and attenuati...
Although there are very many different flood protection methods, none is universally or totally effe...
General hydrological features in the Gard ‘ Département ’ and catastrophic floods of the rivers Vido...
Protection work against flooding by the river Vidourle is reviewed, also the advantages and drawback...
Abstract. - While measures adopted to combat flood losses are increased and in spite of large scale ...
The drafting of a flood prevention policy for the Adour basin was carried out as part of a program o...
Severe ground subsidences due to the local coal pits have occurred in land beside the river Meuse ar...
Flood risk management on the upper river Seine basin "La Bassée": project managed by EPTB Seine Gran...
Great Paris may be affected by a flood of the Seine and Marne rivers. Flooding (such as January 1910...
The greater Paris region faces a significant risk of flooding due to potential spill-over from the S...
Whereas flooding depends on the surface elevation of the water at the point at which it leaves the r...
A technical and economic comparison of the above forms of protection made without due allowance for ...
Through the Canal de Provence, the water of Verdon River is distributed in Aix-en-Provence, Marseill...
Continuous hydroelectric development of the Rhone by the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône in successive ...