Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá znárodněním z většiny Brity vlastněné Anglo-íránské ropné společnosti provozující íránský ropný průmysl, ke kterému došlo v roce 1953. Práce se zabývá jak příčinami, tak následky znárodnění. Zároveň je v práci věnována pozornost postavě íránského politika Mohammada Mosaddeqa, který byl hlavním iniciátorem znárodnění.ObhájenoThis bachelor's thesis deals with the nationalization of most of the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company operating the Iranian oil industry, which took place in 1953. The work deals with both the causes and consequences of nationalization. At the same time the work pays attention to the figure of the Iranian politician Mohammad Mosaddeq, who was the main initiator of nationalization
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kepentingan nasional apa yang melatarbelakangi Iran dala...
The British agents' movement against the Iranian government was started seriously after nationalizat...
The world is dependent on oil. From gasoline to plastics, it is found in every aspect of one's ...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá znárodněním z většiny Brity vlastněné Anglo-íránské ropné společnost...
When Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq began nationalizing the oil industry in 1951, the British were taken abac...
Investigation of political standpoints and activities of Seyed Hossein Fatemi and their impacts on O...
Tematem mojej pracy licencjackiej jest „Ropa naftowa jako główny powód sporów na linii Iran-Wielka B...
Bina, Cyrus, Mossadegh, Nationalization of Oil, and the Cost of Iran\u27s Sovereignty. ProcessGroup ...
The Iranian oil nationalisation crisis, which ended in the coup that overthrew nationalist prime min...
Nationalization of oil industry is a name given to the escalation period of the Iranian people’ stru...
Bu çalışmada, kişi başına GSYH ve petrol üretimi arasındaki kısa ve uzun dönem ilişkileri İran ekono...
In the history of modern Iran, religion and nationalism often converge to bring about social and pol...
The thesis deals with the opportunities and problems created for an oil economy by the price rise of...
The aim of the project was a comprehensive study of the Iranian oil industry in general, and the Nat...
This study explores issues surrounding the potential for the privatisation of some of Iran’s nationa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kepentingan nasional apa yang melatarbelakangi Iran dala...
The British agents' movement against the Iranian government was started seriously after nationalizat...
The world is dependent on oil. From gasoline to plastics, it is found in every aspect of one's ...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá znárodněním z většiny Brity vlastněné Anglo-íránské ropné společnost...
When Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq began nationalizing the oil industry in 1951, the British were taken abac...
Investigation of political standpoints and activities of Seyed Hossein Fatemi and their impacts on O...
Tematem mojej pracy licencjackiej jest „Ropa naftowa jako główny powód sporów na linii Iran-Wielka B...
Bina, Cyrus, Mossadegh, Nationalization of Oil, and the Cost of Iran\u27s Sovereignty. ProcessGroup ...
The Iranian oil nationalisation crisis, which ended in the coup that overthrew nationalist prime min...
Nationalization of oil industry is a name given to the escalation period of the Iranian people’ stru...
Bu çalışmada, kişi başına GSYH ve petrol üretimi arasındaki kısa ve uzun dönem ilişkileri İran ekono...
In the history of modern Iran, religion and nationalism often converge to bring about social and pol...
The thesis deals with the opportunities and problems created for an oil economy by the price rise of...
The aim of the project was a comprehensive study of the Iranian oil industry in general, and the Nat...
This study explores issues surrounding the potential for the privatisation of some of Iran’s nationa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kepentingan nasional apa yang melatarbelakangi Iran dala...
The British agents' movement against the Iranian government was started seriously after nationalizat...
The world is dependent on oil. From gasoline to plastics, it is found in every aspect of one's ...