The article analyzes abbreviations as euphemisms in Polish language. The material comes mainly from the youth’s slang. There are three most important phenomena in contemporary abbreviations. First – new, unknown ones in Polish language like: KTM, SWP, PDD and others which weren’t noticed in dictionaries, second – known ones which are realized differently than previous, e.g.: PCK, DVD, SLD and third – words that are now abbreviations, but young people translate them different, e.g.: NOC – Nowo Odkryta Cecha, OPIS – Ostre Picie I Seks. As abbreviations these upper words are softening elements. Everybody hardly ever uses them in full expressions. It depends on some pragmatic circumstances, of course. The abbreviations are shown as euphemisms i...
Artykuł traktuje o procesach skracania w języku czeskim i polskim. Materiał egzemplifikacyjny pochod...
The first part of the article is devoted to the general characteristics and the discussion of the se...
The article analyses a few examples of innovations, widespread in spoken and written texts and large...
The article concerns the problem of placing abbreviations in language system. A preliminary study o...
The purpose of the article is to describe the functioning of acronyms in Polish and French press tex...
Praca ma za zadanie opisać zjawisko akronimów występujących w slangu młodzieżowym. Ich wpływ na komu...
The article presents abbreviation techniques originally used in the Latin texts and further adapted ...
Käesolevas doktoriväitekirjas on esmakordselt monograafia tasemel püütud läbi viia poola keele lühen...
Abrewiacja należy do jednych z najbardziej produktywnych metod w słowotwórstwie. Proces ten już dawn...
The problem of studying euphemisms is far from exhausted in Russian studies and, more broadly, in Sl...
Nauka języka obcego to nie tylko przyswajanie systemu leksykalnego oraz zasad gramatycznych, lecz ta...
This article studies the peculiarities of using abbreviations in the English language, in particular...
The article briefly presents the history of the absorption of foreign proper names by the Polish lan...
The paper aims at analyzing abbreviation as one of the most productive ways of coining neologisms in...
The subject of this article comprises abbreviations and acronyms in photogrammetric terminology in E...
Artykuł traktuje o procesach skracania w języku czeskim i polskim. Materiał egzemplifikacyjny pochod...
The first part of the article is devoted to the general characteristics and the discussion of the se...
The article analyses a few examples of innovations, widespread in spoken and written texts and large...
The article concerns the problem of placing abbreviations in language system. A preliminary study o...
The purpose of the article is to describe the functioning of acronyms in Polish and French press tex...
Praca ma za zadanie opisać zjawisko akronimów występujących w slangu młodzieżowym. Ich wpływ na komu...
The article presents abbreviation techniques originally used in the Latin texts and further adapted ...
Käesolevas doktoriväitekirjas on esmakordselt monograafia tasemel püütud läbi viia poola keele lühen...
Abrewiacja należy do jednych z najbardziej produktywnych metod w słowotwórstwie. Proces ten już dawn...
The problem of studying euphemisms is far from exhausted in Russian studies and, more broadly, in Sl...
Nauka języka obcego to nie tylko przyswajanie systemu leksykalnego oraz zasad gramatycznych, lecz ta...
This article studies the peculiarities of using abbreviations in the English language, in particular...
The article briefly presents the history of the absorption of foreign proper names by the Polish lan...
The paper aims at analyzing abbreviation as one of the most productive ways of coining neologisms in...
The subject of this article comprises abbreviations and acronyms in photogrammetric terminology in E...
Artykuł traktuje o procesach skracania w języku czeskim i polskim. Materiał egzemplifikacyjny pochod...
The first part of the article is devoted to the general characteristics and the discussion of the se...
The article analyses a few examples of innovations, widespread in spoken and written texts and large...