In the winter of 2002–03 the Prestige tanker spilled 60,000 tons of oil over the northern half ofthe Iberian Coastal Large Marine Ecosystem (northern Portugal to France). Most (c. 85%) of the 22,981 oiledseabirds reported were alcids (i.e., auks): Common Murres (Uria aalge), Razorbills (Alca torda) and AtlanticPuffins (Fratercula arctica). Here we estimated the mortality of alcids in Galicia (northwestern Spain), thearea that received most of the Prestige oil and where half of the oiled seabirds were collected. We performedthree experiments that included: (1) a test of several drift block models in open sea, to select the one thatbest fitted the drift of alcid carcasses; (2) the release of 450 drift blocks at 9 offshore points to assess the...