Paradontoza jest przewlekłą chorobą przyzębia, która w konsekwencji doprowadza do niszczenia tkanek otaczających zęby, w tym kości. Z jednej strony jest ona wywołana namnażającymi się bakteriami, które tworzą biofilm i prowadzą do zaburzenia naturalnej mikroflory. Drugą przyczyną jest aktywacja stanu zapalnego i uszkodzenie mechanizmów immunologicznych umożliwiających powrót tkanek do homeostazy. w procesie zapalenia przyzębia istotną rolę odgrywają limfocyty T. Dotychczas nie przeprowadzono kompleksowych badań porównujących proces różnicowania naiwnych limfocytów CD4+ pod wpływem różnych gatunków periodontopatogenów. Dlatego też, głównym celem niniejszej pracy było określenie profilu różnicowania naiwnych limfocytów po uprzedniej ich ekspo...
Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) released from gram-negative bacteria harbor diverse molecules to comm...
International audiencePorphyromonas gingivalis, an anaerobic, asaccharolytic gram-negative bacterium...
Limit dilution analysis (LDA) was used to determine the presence and frequency of periodontopathic-b...
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão e o padrão de distribuição de linfócitos citotóxico...
Rozwój paradontozy jest spowodowany kolonizacją przyzębia przezbakterie patogenne, w tym Porphyromon...
Human T cell lines (TCLs) were obtained by stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)...
Lymphocyte transformation in response to dental plaque antigens was used to determine the associatio...
A resposta linfoproliferativa a Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) e ao mitógeno fitohemaglut...
This study undertook to correlate lymphocyte transformation to human dental plaque antigens with cli...
The current study was undertaken to characterize the lymphoid cell populations extracted from chroni...
Objective: In Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, different serotypes have been described based o...
The microbial plaque biofilm resides adjacent to the tissue-destructive inflammatory infiltrate in p...
Peer Reviewed
Achievements in bacteriology and immunology have significantly contributed to the understanding abou...
B‐cells extracted from periodontal disease tissue were analyzed for the presence of activation marke...
Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) released from gram-negative bacteria harbor diverse molecules to comm...
International audiencePorphyromonas gingivalis, an anaerobic, asaccharolytic gram-negative bacterium...
Limit dilution analysis (LDA) was used to determine the presence and frequency of periodontopathic-b...
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão e o padrão de distribuição de linfócitos citotóxico...
Rozwój paradontozy jest spowodowany kolonizacją przyzębia przezbakterie patogenne, w tym Porphyromon...
Human T cell lines (TCLs) were obtained by stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)...
Lymphocyte transformation in response to dental plaque antigens was used to determine the associatio...
A resposta linfoproliferativa a Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) e ao mitógeno fitohemaglut...
This study undertook to correlate lymphocyte transformation to human dental plaque antigens with cli...
The current study was undertaken to characterize the lymphoid cell populations extracted from chroni...
Objective: In Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, different serotypes have been described based o...
The microbial plaque biofilm resides adjacent to the tissue-destructive inflammatory infiltrate in p...
Peer Reviewed
Achievements in bacteriology and immunology have significantly contributed to the understanding abou...
B‐cells extracted from periodontal disease tissue were analyzed for the presence of activation marke...
Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) released from gram-negative bacteria harbor diverse molecules to comm...
International audiencePorphyromonas gingivalis, an anaerobic, asaccharolytic gram-negative bacterium...
Limit dilution analysis (LDA) was used to determine the presence and frequency of periodontopathic-b...