Celem pracy była próba identyfikacji i ocena występowania w Polsce obcego patogenu grzybowego sosen - Dothistroma septosporum, wywołującego groźną chorobę - czerwoną plamistość sosen. Praca powstała we współpracy z Instytutem Badawczym Leśnictwa w Sękocinie Starym. Badany materiał roślinny stanowiły igły sosen Pinus sylvestris rosnących w Polsce południowo-wschodniej, na siedemdziesięciu dwóch stanowiskach, w dziewięciu nadleśnictwach. Dla identyfikacji patogenu zastosowano łańcuchową reakcję polimerazy – PCR. W żadnej z przebadanych próbek nie zidentyfikowano patogenu jakim jest D. septosporum. Na podstawie potwierdzonych przez innych badaczy danych dotyczących występowania D. septosporum na terenie Polski wśród drzewostanów Pinus nigra...
Dothistroma septosporum is a foliar pathogen that causes Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), affecting ...
Dothistroma septosporum, the primary causal agent of Dothistroma needle blight, is one of the most s...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), also known as red band needle blight, is an important fungal diseas...
Dothistroma pini is a pathogen that infects coniferous trees, particularly species in the Pinus and ...
Dothistroma septosporum (the conidial stage of the fungus Mycosphaerella pini) primarily infects spe...
Dothistroma septosporum is a pathogen of Pinus spp. and some species in the genera Larix, Pseudotsug...
In recent years, the decline of pine stands in Europe, including Poland, has been caused by the emer...
The aim of the work is evaluation of the overall level infestation of coniferous trees in the arbore...
W związku z gwałtownie wzrastającym zapotrzebowaniem na żywe drzewka choinkowe w drugiej połowie XX ...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), caused by Dothistroma septosporum, was observed for the first time ...
Red band needle blight caused by Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini, and brown spot needle blight c...
Dothistroma pini is one of two pathogens causing Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), a foliar disease o...
Dothistroma septosporum, the primary causal agent of Dothistroma needle blight, is one of the most s...
Pine (Pinus) stands cover more than 34% of the forest area and it is one of the most ecologically an...
The Panel on Plant Health conducted a pest risk assessment for Scirrhia pini for the European Union ...
Dothistroma septosporum is a foliar pathogen that causes Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), affecting ...
Dothistroma septosporum, the primary causal agent of Dothistroma needle blight, is one of the most s...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), also known as red band needle blight, is an important fungal diseas...
Dothistroma pini is a pathogen that infects coniferous trees, particularly species in the Pinus and ...
Dothistroma septosporum (the conidial stage of the fungus Mycosphaerella pini) primarily infects spe...
Dothistroma septosporum is a pathogen of Pinus spp. and some species in the genera Larix, Pseudotsug...
In recent years, the decline of pine stands in Europe, including Poland, has been caused by the emer...
The aim of the work is evaluation of the overall level infestation of coniferous trees in the arbore...
W związku z gwałtownie wzrastającym zapotrzebowaniem na żywe drzewka choinkowe w drugiej połowie XX ...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), caused by Dothistroma septosporum, was observed for the first time ...
Red band needle blight caused by Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini, and brown spot needle blight c...
Dothistroma pini is one of two pathogens causing Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), a foliar disease o...
Dothistroma septosporum, the primary causal agent of Dothistroma needle blight, is one of the most s...
Pine (Pinus) stands cover more than 34% of the forest area and it is one of the most ecologically an...
The Panel on Plant Health conducted a pest risk assessment for Scirrhia pini for the European Union ...
Dothistroma septosporum is a foliar pathogen that causes Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), affecting ...
Dothistroma septosporum, the primary causal agent of Dothistroma needle blight, is one of the most s...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), also known as red band needle blight, is an important fungal diseas...