Partia Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju od 15 lat niezmiennie utrzymuje władzę w Republice Tureckiej w ostatnich latach wykazując tendencje autorytarne w sprawowanych przez siebie rządach. Wprowadzony przez jej lidera, Recepa Tayyipa Erdoğana system opiera się na zasadach konsolidacji władzy przez jednostkę. Jednocześnie niedemokratyczny aparat władzy narusza szeroko rozumianą wolność obywatelską oraz pluralizm polityczny w państwie. Celem pracy jest analiza zjawiska tendencji autorytarnych w systemie politycznym Republiki Tureckiej oraz określenie czynników, które wpływają na kierunek prowadzonej polityki kraju. W pracy wyróżniono oddziaływanie Partii Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju oraz obecnego Prezydenta Recepa Tayyipa Erdoğana na proces konsolidac...
The first constitution of the Ottoman-Turkish Empire was adopted in 1876 - the Kânûn-i Esâsî (Eng. F...
During the 1990s Turkish society experienced political instability and freedom deficiencies that wer...
Authoritarianism within party structures is recognized as a central feature of all political parties...
The increasingly authoritarian regime in Turkey has been the subject of many studies in constitution...
ONCE MAKING RESEARCH on the Turkish Political system, there are many doubts concerning its nature. W...
Bakalaura darba “Autoritārisms, Erdogans un antisekulārisms Turcijā” mērķis ir izpētīt, kā Turcijas ...
The purpose of this paper has been to describe the change of governance in Turkey from 2005 until 20...
This paper addresses the issue of why Turkey has failed to develop and consolidate democracy in the ...
Since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002 Turkey has undergone double regi...
The article examines the modern authoritarian regime, considers its characteristics and manifestatio...
The article examines the modern authoritarian regime, considers its characteristics and manifestatio...
Despite its long history of multiparty rule, Turkey has failed to consolidate its democratic regime....
Praca jest poswięcona analizie reżimów autorytarnych, które powstały na przestrzeni postsowieckiej, ...
It is difficult to talk about real democracy in our history of the democratic system except for the ...
The Republic of Türkiye was founded on Ottoman parliamentary tradition introduced in 1878. However, ...
The first constitution of the Ottoman-Turkish Empire was adopted in 1876 - the Kânûn-i Esâsî (Eng. F...
During the 1990s Turkish society experienced political instability and freedom deficiencies that wer...
Authoritarianism within party structures is recognized as a central feature of all political parties...
The increasingly authoritarian regime in Turkey has been the subject of many studies in constitution...
ONCE MAKING RESEARCH on the Turkish Political system, there are many doubts concerning its nature. W...
Bakalaura darba “Autoritārisms, Erdogans un antisekulārisms Turcijā” mērķis ir izpētīt, kā Turcijas ...
The purpose of this paper has been to describe the change of governance in Turkey from 2005 until 20...
This paper addresses the issue of why Turkey has failed to develop and consolidate democracy in the ...
Since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002 Turkey has undergone double regi...
The article examines the modern authoritarian regime, considers its characteristics and manifestatio...
The article examines the modern authoritarian regime, considers its characteristics and manifestatio...
Despite its long history of multiparty rule, Turkey has failed to consolidate its democratic regime....
Praca jest poswięcona analizie reżimów autorytarnych, które powstały na przestrzeni postsowieckiej, ...
It is difficult to talk about real democracy in our history of the democratic system except for the ...
The Republic of Türkiye was founded on Ottoman parliamentary tradition introduced in 1878. However, ...
The first constitution of the Ottoman-Turkish Empire was adopted in 1876 - the Kânûn-i Esâsî (Eng. F...
During the 1990s Turkish society experienced political instability and freedom deficiencies that wer...
Authoritarianism within party structures is recognized as a central feature of all political parties...