Na rozwijający się w łonie matki płód mają wpływ różne czynniki, które pokonują barierę łożyskową. Wśród nich są substancje działające teratogennie a także takie, które są niezbędne do rozwoju niektórych układów. Substancją niezbędną do prawidłowego rozwoju ośrodkowego układu nerwowego jest kwas foliowy. Do najważniejszych patologii związanych z niedoborem kwasu foliowego zaliczamy: zaburzenia w rozwoju cewy nerwowej oraz zmiany w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym. W latach 50-tych i 60-tych XX wieku, talidomid - pozornie bezpieczny lek był przyczyną powstania wielu wad rozwojowych. Wady te dotyczyły głównie kończyn, najczęstsze z nich to amelia i fokomelia.Fetus, which is developing in the mother’s womb is exposed to the impact of various facto...
This review focuses on teratogens that cause limb malformations and the underlying mechanisms they d...
Thalidomide is a potent human and animal teratogen that has recently been introduced in the United S...
From 1957 to 1962, Thalidomide was prescribed to pregnant women as an antiemetic and was later disco...
Teratogeny to czynniki środowiskowe powodujące wady płodu lub zwiększające ryzyko ich wystąpienia. B...
The expanding therapeutic use of thalidomide (TD) remains limited by its species-specific teratogeni...
Summary: Most children with inborn errors ofmetabolism are born healthy without malformations as the...
Folic acid is known to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects, in animal experiments however, i...
Thalidomide\u27s mechanism of action as an infamous teratogen remains an unsolved mystery. The liter...
Since the first observations of hypoplastic and aplastic thalidomide deformities in infants (McBride...
Since the identification of Thalidomide as a potent human teratogen, the possible effects of a large...
Thalidomide (TD) is the drug in clinical use since over half a century for variable indications such...
This research aimed to investigate the effect of folic acid as additional therapy of spiramycine on ...
It has been more than 50 years since thalidomide was withdrawn from the world market due to its tera...
Abstract: the aim of our research was assessment of the cumulative risk of disorders of metabolism o...
Because of the potential for teratogenic medication effects on the foetus, treating common ailments ...
This review focuses on teratogens that cause limb malformations and the underlying mechanisms they d...
Thalidomide is a potent human and animal teratogen that has recently been introduced in the United S...
From 1957 to 1962, Thalidomide was prescribed to pregnant women as an antiemetic and was later disco...
Teratogeny to czynniki środowiskowe powodujące wady płodu lub zwiększające ryzyko ich wystąpienia. B...
The expanding therapeutic use of thalidomide (TD) remains limited by its species-specific teratogeni...
Summary: Most children with inborn errors ofmetabolism are born healthy without malformations as the...
Folic acid is known to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects, in animal experiments however, i...
Thalidomide\u27s mechanism of action as an infamous teratogen remains an unsolved mystery. The liter...
Since the first observations of hypoplastic and aplastic thalidomide deformities in infants (McBride...
Since the identification of Thalidomide as a potent human teratogen, the possible effects of a large...
Thalidomide (TD) is the drug in clinical use since over half a century for variable indications such...
This research aimed to investigate the effect of folic acid as additional therapy of spiramycine on ...
It has been more than 50 years since thalidomide was withdrawn from the world market due to its tera...
Abstract: the aim of our research was assessment of the cumulative risk of disorders of metabolism o...
Because of the potential for teratogenic medication effects on the foetus, treating common ailments ...
This review focuses on teratogens that cause limb malformations and the underlying mechanisms they d...
Thalidomide is a potent human and animal teratogen that has recently been introduced in the United S...
From 1957 to 1962, Thalidomide was prescribed to pregnant women as an antiemetic and was later disco...