Obowiązywanie i stosowanie aktów organów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego wymaga istnienia w systemie prawnym skutecznych rozwiązań, które umożliwią wykrycie, a następnie usunięcie niezgodnych z prawem postanowień rzeczonych aktów. Mając powyższe na uwadze, niniejsza praca ma na celu przeprowadzenie przekrojowej analizy regulacji prawnych dotyczących zaskarżania do sądu administracyjnego aktów organów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, jak również wykazanie sprzeczności pomiędzy poszczególnymi unormowaniami prawnymi. Praca została podzielona na sześć rozdziałów, z których większość poświęcona jest nie tylko aspektom teoretycznym, ale także praktycznym.Rozdział pierwszy traktuje o samej konstrukcji art. 3 § 2 pkt 5 i 6 p.s.a., która wprow...
The aim of the paper is to present an analysis of the law-making independence of local self-governme...
The author discussed the division of acts of law, accounting for the functional criterion. The acts ...
The content and at the same time the essence of an administrative law relation, according to the acc...
The text presents analysis of the criteria which must be met by a specific legal document so thatit ...
The article elaborates on the issue of the legal nature of legal subjectivity (personality) which i...
Regulations belong to the catalogue of the sources of common law, forcefully shaping the status of t...
The legal basis of functioning of the local-government appeal boards is an Act of 12 October 1994 o...
Following the clara non sunt interpretanda clause, the concept of an interpretation of universally a...
The 2018 amendment to local government laws introduced the institution of citizens’ resolution commi...
The paper deals with overlapping between the branches of administrative and constitutional law. The ...
Applying to competent administrative agency begins the administrative procedure. Therefore – accord...
The basis of economic activity of local government units is Municipal Management Act of 20 December ...
The article is dedicated to the problem of crossing fi scal criminal liability regime and the conse...
This paper presents the most frequent interpretative problems that appear in a local government with...
The discussed sentence, in the quite detailed matter, is in fact regarding the concurrence of many m...
The aim of the paper is to present an analysis of the law-making independence of local self-governme...
The author discussed the division of acts of law, accounting for the functional criterion. The acts ...
The content and at the same time the essence of an administrative law relation, according to the acc...
The text presents analysis of the criteria which must be met by a specific legal document so thatit ...
The article elaborates on the issue of the legal nature of legal subjectivity (personality) which i...
Regulations belong to the catalogue of the sources of common law, forcefully shaping the status of t...
The legal basis of functioning of the local-government appeal boards is an Act of 12 October 1994 o...
Following the clara non sunt interpretanda clause, the concept of an interpretation of universally a...
The 2018 amendment to local government laws introduced the institution of citizens’ resolution commi...
The paper deals with overlapping between the branches of administrative and constitutional law. The ...
Applying to competent administrative agency begins the administrative procedure. Therefore – accord...
The basis of economic activity of local government units is Municipal Management Act of 20 December ...
The article is dedicated to the problem of crossing fi scal criminal liability regime and the conse...
This paper presents the most frequent interpretative problems that appear in a local government with...
The discussed sentence, in the quite detailed matter, is in fact regarding the concurrence of many m...
The aim of the paper is to present an analysis of the law-making independence of local self-governme...
The author discussed the division of acts of law, accounting for the functional criterion. The acts ...
The content and at the same time the essence of an administrative law relation, according to the acc...