Praca dotyczy badania dynamiki oddziaływań silnych i tym samym testowania perturbacyjnej chromo dynamiki kwantowej (QCD). Dane wykorzystane w pracy zostały zebrane w eksperymencie H1 na akceleratorze HERA dla zderzających się wiązek pozytonów i protonów przy energii w układzie środka masy wynoszącej 319 GeV^2. Tematem badań były końcowe stany hadronowe. Analizowano półinkluzywne procesy głęboko nieelastycznego rozpraszania (Semi-inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering - SIDIS) dla dużych wartości Q^2 (do 15000 GeV^2). Otrzymano rozkłady odpowiednich zmiennych SIDIS. Porównano dane z modelami Monte Carlo. Następnie wyznaczono poprawki detektorowe. Wykonano rozkłady dla z-Flow i Energy Flow. Do analizy danych zastosowano dwa modele Monte Carlo: R...
A phenomenological study of the final combined HERA data on inclusive deep inelastic scattering has ...
A QCD analysis of the inclusive deep inelastic ep scattering cross section measured by the H1 exper...
Deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering events with a forward jet, produced at small angles with r...
An outline of QCD, the theory of strong interactions, is given and several QCD Monte Carlo models ar...
Global properties of the hadronic final state of deep inelastic scattering events recorded in 1992 w...
A combination is presented of all inclusive deep inelastic cross sections previously published by th...
Global properties of the hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering events at HERA are invest...
A combination is presented of all inclusive deep inelastic cross sections previously published by th...
QCD předpovídá saturaci růstu gluonové hustoty v hadronu při vysokých energiích (malých Bjorkenových...
The measurements of the hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering at HERA are reviewed and d...
A review is given on the experimental tests of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) in Deep InelasticScatte...
Data on the hadronic final state of deep-inelastic events at the ep collider HERA are reviewed. Frag...
This thesis contains investigations of electron proton scattering at the HERA collider, DESY, Hambur...
Tato práce se věnuje popisu struktury hadronů a její závislosti na energii srážky. Studium struktury...
The Monte Carlo models ARIADNE, HERWIG and LEPTO are compared to deep-inelastic scattering data meas...
A phenomenological study of the final combined HERA data on inclusive deep inelastic scattering has ...
A QCD analysis of the inclusive deep inelastic ep scattering cross section measured by the H1 exper...
Deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering events with a forward jet, produced at small angles with r...
An outline of QCD, the theory of strong interactions, is given and several QCD Monte Carlo models ar...
Global properties of the hadronic final state of deep inelastic scattering events recorded in 1992 w...
A combination is presented of all inclusive deep inelastic cross sections previously published by th...
Global properties of the hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering events at HERA are invest...
A combination is presented of all inclusive deep inelastic cross sections previously published by th...
QCD předpovídá saturaci růstu gluonové hustoty v hadronu při vysokých energiích (malých Bjorkenových...
The measurements of the hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering at HERA are reviewed and d...
A review is given on the experimental tests of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) in Deep InelasticScatte...
Data on the hadronic final state of deep-inelastic events at the ep collider HERA are reviewed. Frag...
This thesis contains investigations of electron proton scattering at the HERA collider, DESY, Hambur...
Tato práce se věnuje popisu struktury hadronů a její závislosti na energii srážky. Studium struktury...
The Monte Carlo models ARIADNE, HERWIG and LEPTO are compared to deep-inelastic scattering data meas...
A phenomenological study of the final combined HERA data on inclusive deep inelastic scattering has ...
A QCD analysis of the inclusive deep inelastic ep scattering cross section measured by the H1 exper...
Deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering events with a forward jet, produced at small angles with r...