Fotostarzenie to przedwczesny proces starzenia się skóry wynikający z nadmiernej ekspozycji na promieniowanie słoneczne. Skóra jako zewnętrzna powłoka ciała jest najbardziej narażonym organem na działanie ultrafioletu zawartego w promieniowaniu słonecznym jakie dociera do powierzchni Ziemi. Zwiększenie wewnątrzkomórkowej produkcji reaktywnych form tlenu w komórkach skóry prowadzi do utlenienia cząstek ważnych biologicznie oraz do utworzenia szkodliwych fotoproduktów. Co więcej, wywołany przez promieniowanie UV stres fotooksydacyjny może niespecyficznie aktywować receptory błonowe komórek skóry takie jak: receptor dla naskórkowego czynnika wzrostu, receptor dla czynnika wzrostu fibroblastów czy czynnika wzrostu tkanki łącznej. Aktywacja r...
The hallmark of photoaged skin is solar elastosis, which is probably an end product of elastic fiber...
Sunlight is part of our everyday life and most people accept it as beneficial to our health. With th...
The skin is a vital organ for life; whose primary function is to act as a defensive barrier. Dysfunc...
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun damages human skin, resulting in an old and wrinkled appearance. ...
Skin areas exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from sunlight are more prone to photoaging than une...
Photoaging of human skin involves epidermal and dermal changes. The hallmark of photoaged skin is an...
The article discloses current concepts of mechanisms of development of skin photoageing caused by UV...
Skóra podobnie jak cały organizm podlega procesom starzenia chronologicznego, na który duży wpływ wy...
Photoaging and photocarcinogenesis are primarily due to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which alte...
Solar UV radiation damages human skin, affecting skin tone and resiliency and leading to premature a...
Promieniowanie ultrafioletowe jest przyczyną wielu negatywnych zjawisk zachodzących w naszej skórze....
Photoaging is an accelerated form of aging resulting from skin exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiatio...
The aging process in the skin is complex and influenced by more intrinsic and extrinsic factors than...
UV radiation from the sun impacts skin health adversely through complex, multiple molecular pathways...
Skin photoaging induced by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation contributes to the formation of thick and co...
The hallmark of photoaged skin is solar elastosis, which is probably an end product of elastic fiber...
Sunlight is part of our everyday life and most people accept it as beneficial to our health. With th...
The skin is a vital organ for life; whose primary function is to act as a defensive barrier. Dysfunc...
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun damages human skin, resulting in an old and wrinkled appearance. ...
Skin areas exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from sunlight are more prone to photoaging than une...
Photoaging of human skin involves epidermal and dermal changes. The hallmark of photoaged skin is an...
The article discloses current concepts of mechanisms of development of skin photoageing caused by UV...
Skóra podobnie jak cały organizm podlega procesom starzenia chronologicznego, na który duży wpływ wy...
Photoaging and photocarcinogenesis are primarily due to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which alte...
Solar UV radiation damages human skin, affecting skin tone and resiliency and leading to premature a...
Promieniowanie ultrafioletowe jest przyczyną wielu negatywnych zjawisk zachodzących w naszej skórze....
Photoaging is an accelerated form of aging resulting from skin exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiatio...
The aging process in the skin is complex and influenced by more intrinsic and extrinsic factors than...
UV radiation from the sun impacts skin health adversely through complex, multiple molecular pathways...
Skin photoaging induced by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation contributes to the formation of thick and co...
The hallmark of photoaged skin is solar elastosis, which is probably an end product of elastic fiber...
Sunlight is part of our everyday life and most people accept it as beneficial to our health. With th...
The skin is a vital organ for life; whose primary function is to act as a defensive barrier. Dysfunc...