Precyzyjna identyfikacja gatunkowa grzybów zawierających substancje halucynogenne oraz trujące w ostatnich latach nabiera szczególnego znaczenia dla celów postępowania sądowego. Standardowe metody identyfikacji gatunkowej grzybów (analizy morfologiczne i toksykologiczne) nie zawsze przynoszą zadowalające wyniki. Wiarygodność, wysokie tempo i coraz niższy koszt analiz DNA powoduje, że metody genetyczne coraz częściej wykorzystuje się w badaniach nad określeniem przynależności gatunkowej materiału biologicznego. Markerem często stosowanym w badaniach taksonomicznych grzybów są regiony Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS1 i ITS2). Celem niniejszej pracy magisterskiej było przygotowanie bazy danych sekwencji regionów ITS1 i ITS2 różnych gatunków ...
Amanita phalloides, Lepiota cristata, Lepiota brunneoincarnata and Inocybe asterospora are among the...
Despite the fact that fungi are important sources of both bioactive compounds and mycotoxins, and th...
Molecular markers, also called genetic barcodes, are those segments of DNA that have unique characte...
Zatrucia grzybami wielkoowocnikowymi stanowią poważne zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia człowieka. W os...
In recent time many changes have been introduced to the methodology of identification of the poisono...
Aim To assess the usefulness of a DNA-based method for identifying mushroom species for application ...
The majority of edible mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes and these mushrooms have become more impor...
This study aims at building an ITS gene dataset to support the Italian Health Service in mushroom id...
The suitability of using DNA techniques in the determination of relatedness of mushroom fruiting bod...
Basidiomycetes as one of the largest groups of edible mushrooms have become more important in recent...
Većina psihoaktivnih vrsta gljiva sadrži psilocibin, psilocin, beocistin ili nor-beocistin, a zbog d...
Identification of pathogenic fungi isolated from clinical specimens in clinical microbiology laborat...
Objective: To identify common edible and medicinal mushrooms using the internal transcribed spacer (...
are among the most important species responsible of mushroom poisoning in northern Italy. A real tim...
My diploma thesis deals with genetic variability of entomopathogenic fungi of the Isaria genus encou...
Amanita phalloides, Lepiota cristata, Lepiota brunneoincarnata and Inocybe asterospora are among the...
Despite the fact that fungi are important sources of both bioactive compounds and mycotoxins, and th...
Molecular markers, also called genetic barcodes, are those segments of DNA that have unique characte...
Zatrucia grzybami wielkoowocnikowymi stanowią poważne zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia człowieka. W os...
In recent time many changes have been introduced to the methodology of identification of the poisono...
Aim To assess the usefulness of a DNA-based method for identifying mushroom species for application ...
The majority of edible mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes and these mushrooms have become more impor...
This study aims at building an ITS gene dataset to support the Italian Health Service in mushroom id...
The suitability of using DNA techniques in the determination of relatedness of mushroom fruiting bod...
Basidiomycetes as one of the largest groups of edible mushrooms have become more important in recent...
Većina psihoaktivnih vrsta gljiva sadrži psilocibin, psilocin, beocistin ili nor-beocistin, a zbog d...
Identification of pathogenic fungi isolated from clinical specimens in clinical microbiology laborat...
Objective: To identify common edible and medicinal mushrooms using the internal transcribed spacer (...
are among the most important species responsible of mushroom poisoning in northern Italy. A real tim...
My diploma thesis deals with genetic variability of entomopathogenic fungi of the Isaria genus encou...
Amanita phalloides, Lepiota cristata, Lepiota brunneoincarnata and Inocybe asterospora are among the...
Despite the fact that fungi are important sources of both bioactive compounds and mycotoxins, and th...
Molecular markers, also called genetic barcodes, are those segments of DNA that have unique characte...