Grelina jest peptydem zbudowanym z 28 aminokwasowej sekwencji rozpoznanej jako ważny regulator wielu funkcji organizmu sekrecji hormonu wzrostu (GH), pobierania pokarmu, stymulacji apetytu, metabolizmu węglowodanów, przewodu pokarmowego, układu sercowo – naczyniowego, proliferacji komórkowej jak również układu rozrodczego. Ekspresja greliny i jej plejotropowe działanie zostały zademonstrowane w szerokim spektrum endokrynnych i nieendokrynnych funkcji, głównie kontroli bilansu energetycznego, ale także w osi podwzgórze – przysadka – gonady. Wykazano dwa typy receptorów dla greliny: biologicznie aktywny GHS – R 1a (receptor syntetycznych związków pobudzających wydzielanie hormonu wzrostu typu 1a) oraz biologicznie nieaktywny GHS – R 1...
Energy balance is regulated by ghrelin which is a neuroendocrine modulator. Ghrelin is expressed in ...
Ghrelin is brain-gut peptide with growth hormone-releasing and appetite-inducing activities. It is m...
In order to clarify the physiological role of ghrelin in gestation, we evaluated the effects of admi...
Grelina, endogenny ligand receptora uwalniającego hormon wzrostu (GHS-R), zyskała zainteresowanie b...
Ghrelin was isolated in 1999 from rat stomach. Ghrelin is identified as the 28-amino-acid peptide. I...
Ghrelin is considered the endogenous ligand of growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a, and its...
Abstract Ghrelin was originally identified in 1999 as the endogenous ligand of the growth hormone (G...
Ghrelin is an important factor involved in most of the metabolic and hormonal signals which adapt th...
Grelin je periferni peptidni hormon, ki je vpleten v uravnavanje energijske homeostaze, uravnavanje ...
Grelina jest peptydem charakteryzującym się wielokierunkowym działaniem. Poza stymulacją produkcji h...
The orexigenic peptide, ghrelin is known to influence function of GnRH neurons, however, the direct ...
Abstract Ghrelin, an acylated 28 amino acid gastric peptide, was isolated from the stomach as an en...
Ghrelin, an acylated 28 amino acid gastric peptide, was isolated from the stomach as an endogenous l...
Ghrelin is a 28-amino acid octanolyated peptide, synthesised primarily in the stomach. It stimulates...
Context: Growing evidence indicates that ghrelin may participate in the regulation of different asp...
Energy balance is regulated by ghrelin which is a neuroendocrine modulator. Ghrelin is expressed in ...
Ghrelin is brain-gut peptide with growth hormone-releasing and appetite-inducing activities. It is m...
In order to clarify the physiological role of ghrelin in gestation, we evaluated the effects of admi...
Grelina, endogenny ligand receptora uwalniającego hormon wzrostu (GHS-R), zyskała zainteresowanie b...
Ghrelin was isolated in 1999 from rat stomach. Ghrelin is identified as the 28-amino-acid peptide. I...
Ghrelin is considered the endogenous ligand of growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a, and its...
Abstract Ghrelin was originally identified in 1999 as the endogenous ligand of the growth hormone (G...
Ghrelin is an important factor involved in most of the metabolic and hormonal signals which adapt th...
Grelin je periferni peptidni hormon, ki je vpleten v uravnavanje energijske homeostaze, uravnavanje ...
Grelina jest peptydem charakteryzującym się wielokierunkowym działaniem. Poza stymulacją produkcji h...
The orexigenic peptide, ghrelin is known to influence function of GnRH neurons, however, the direct ...
Abstract Ghrelin, an acylated 28 amino acid gastric peptide, was isolated from the stomach as an en...
Ghrelin, an acylated 28 amino acid gastric peptide, was isolated from the stomach as an endogenous l...
Ghrelin is a 28-amino acid octanolyated peptide, synthesised primarily in the stomach. It stimulates...
Context: Growing evidence indicates that ghrelin may participate in the regulation of different asp...
Energy balance is regulated by ghrelin which is a neuroendocrine modulator. Ghrelin is expressed in ...
Ghrelin is brain-gut peptide with growth hormone-releasing and appetite-inducing activities. It is m...
In order to clarify the physiological role of ghrelin in gestation, we evaluated the effects of admi...