Ennek a szakdolgozatnak az a célja, hogy mutassa be a magyarországi zsidók helyzetét 1920 and 1945 között, azaz a Numerus Clausust elfogadásától a II. vílágháború végéig. A dolgozat négy fő fejezetből áll. Az első fejezetben le van írva a magyar zsidóság helyzete két világháború között- a gazgasági és a társodalmi poziciója, patriotizmusa és lojalitása Magyarország felé. A másiodik fejezet mutatja a magyar antiszemitizmus ideologiai és politikai hattérét, még a zsidóellenes politika megerősödését a II. vílágháború kitörése után és a fokozatos jógfosztást. A harmadik fejezet ábrázolja a „végső megoldást” Magyarországon- a gettósítási és deportálási akciókat, még a zsidók életét az Auchwitz-Birkenau haláltáborban, ahová a deportálók többsége ...
Antisemitism and Strategies for Interpretation. Jewish-Gentile Relations in Contemporary Hungary. ...
Laczó, Ferenc 2016. Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide: An Intellectual History, 1929-1948. Leide...
The Jews of Romania and Hungary who returned home from the Holocaust faced a series of difficulties ...
The Jews of Hungary had to face difficult situations at the end of the war. Before the Holocaust, th...
The emergence of a seemingly harmonic symbiosis between Hungarian majority and Jewish minority in 19...
In post-war Hungary, the Jewish question was already part of the political debate, especially after ...
The Jews from Romania and Hungary hoped that the installation of communism will put an end to the di...
The earliest Jewish literary works in Hungary were late-medieval religious writings in Hebrew, and l...
Práce zachycuje významné období a momenty Československa, nástup Hitlera k moci a následné rozpoután...
A tanulmány azt elemzi, miként reflektáltak a magyarországi alkotmányjog-tudomány képviselői az 1938...
Before 1914 the vocabulary of anti-Semitism was already present in public discourses in Hungary, but...
The Jews of Romania and Hungary had to bear a lot of difficulties after the setting of communist reg...
The aim of this MA thesis is to map the situation of Hungarian-speaking Jews in Slovakia after the S...
Drugi svjetski rat je ostavio neizbrisiv trag u cijelom svijetu. Milijunske žrtve i genocid nad jako...
Dr. Kovács István (1941) by prominent nationalist filmmaker Viktor Bánky was one of the more explici...
Antisemitism and Strategies for Interpretation. Jewish-Gentile Relations in Contemporary Hungary. ...
Laczó, Ferenc 2016. Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide: An Intellectual History, 1929-1948. Leide...
The Jews of Romania and Hungary who returned home from the Holocaust faced a series of difficulties ...
The Jews of Hungary had to face difficult situations at the end of the war. Before the Holocaust, th...
The emergence of a seemingly harmonic symbiosis between Hungarian majority and Jewish minority in 19...
In post-war Hungary, the Jewish question was already part of the political debate, especially after ...
The Jews from Romania and Hungary hoped that the installation of communism will put an end to the di...
The earliest Jewish literary works in Hungary were late-medieval religious writings in Hebrew, and l...
Práce zachycuje významné období a momenty Československa, nástup Hitlera k moci a následné rozpoután...
A tanulmány azt elemzi, miként reflektáltak a magyarországi alkotmányjog-tudomány képviselői az 1938...
Before 1914 the vocabulary of anti-Semitism was already present in public discourses in Hungary, but...
The Jews of Romania and Hungary had to bear a lot of difficulties after the setting of communist reg...
The aim of this MA thesis is to map the situation of Hungarian-speaking Jews in Slovakia after the S...
Drugi svjetski rat je ostavio neizbrisiv trag u cijelom svijetu. Milijunske žrtve i genocid nad jako...
Dr. Kovács István (1941) by prominent nationalist filmmaker Viktor Bánky was one of the more explici...
Antisemitism and Strategies for Interpretation. Jewish-Gentile Relations in Contemporary Hungary. ...
Laczó, Ferenc 2016. Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide: An Intellectual History, 1929-1948. Leide...
The Jews of Romania and Hungary who returned home from the Holocaust faced a series of difficulties ...