At the beginning of the thesis, a term ‘think-tank’ has been explained, with the help of definitions provided by the online version of Encyclopaedia Britannica, a dictionary of business terms as well as by the website related to the subject ( Then, the reasons for writing the thesis have been presented, including a book that was an inspiration for writing.The first chapter is devoted to national and academic centres. The first of them is the International Research Centre, which works by the Belarusian State University and, to a large extent, cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The second centre is the Academy of Public Administration. Their work is focused on the state administration and its improving by means ...
Praca analizuje główne zagadnienia związane z białoruską ideologią państwową: jej źródła, charakter ...
Problem badawczy podjęty w dysertacji dotyczył obrazu Republiki Białoruś i narodu białoruskiego w św...
Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleThis paper is a presentation of the results of a question...
The paper presents the historical policy of Belarus after the collapse of the Soviet Union: from 199...
In late 2006 and early 2007, relations between Russia and Belarus were hit by the most serious crisi...
The way A. Łukaszenka, a Belarusian president has a power, a political situation in this country an...
Pojęcie zagadnienia oparte na podejściu „systemu światowego”, wyjaśniające naturę integracji jako po...
This work is focused on the constitutional determinants of the model of presidency in the Republic o...
W toku prowadzonej w rozprawie analizy próbowano wypełnić następujące zadania badawcze: (1) scharakt...
The essay focuses on the condition of science in in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe afte...
Starptautiskās attiecības - Eiropas studijasSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational ...
Belarus holds a special position in Russian policy due to its geopolitical, military and transit sig...
The topic of the work is Ukraine's foreign policy from the perspective of relations with Belarus. Th...
The notion of buffer territories is understood as referring either to buffer zones (whose status is ...
The Polish Episcopate critically assessed the social and economic situation in Poland in the period ...
Praca analizuje główne zagadnienia związane z białoruską ideologią państwową: jej źródła, charakter ...
Problem badawczy podjęty w dysertacji dotyczył obrazu Republiki Białoruś i narodu białoruskiego w św...
Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleThis paper is a presentation of the results of a question...
The paper presents the historical policy of Belarus after the collapse of the Soviet Union: from 199...
In late 2006 and early 2007, relations between Russia and Belarus were hit by the most serious crisi...
The way A. Łukaszenka, a Belarusian president has a power, a political situation in this country an...
Pojęcie zagadnienia oparte na podejściu „systemu światowego”, wyjaśniające naturę integracji jako po...
This work is focused on the constitutional determinants of the model of presidency in the Republic o...
W toku prowadzonej w rozprawie analizy próbowano wypełnić następujące zadania badawcze: (1) scharakt...
The essay focuses on the condition of science in in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe afte...
Starptautiskās attiecības - Eiropas studijasSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational ...
Belarus holds a special position in Russian policy due to its geopolitical, military and transit sig...
The topic of the work is Ukraine's foreign policy from the perspective of relations with Belarus. Th...
The notion of buffer territories is understood as referring either to buffer zones (whose status is ...
The Polish Episcopate critically assessed the social and economic situation in Poland in the period ...
Praca analizuje główne zagadnienia związane z białoruską ideologią państwową: jej źródła, charakter ...
Problem badawczy podjęty w dysertacji dotyczył obrazu Republiki Białoruś i narodu białoruskiego w św...
Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleThis paper is a presentation of the results of a question...