The past year saw significant domestic turmoil in India. The country confronted a series of terrorist attacks including the one in Bombay, witnessed ethno-religious violence, dealt with a resurgent Maoist (Naxalite) guerilla movement, and faced agitations from agricultural communities over the acquisition of land for industrialization. On the external front, India managed to consummate a critical civilian nuclear agreement with the U.S., after much domestic debate and contention
Thanks to sustained economic growth and key investments in military capabilities, India will face gr...
The paper discusses the dynamics of peace initiatives made by Pakistan in 2006 and their importance ...
For centuries India has been seen and portrayed as an enigma to the world. Its archetypal mysticism,...
The Congress Party, although in a strong position to improve matters in 2010, generally proved disap...
The Congress Party, although in a strong position to improve matters in 2010, generally proved disap...
This report provides a reverse chronology of recent events involving India and India-U.S. relations...
The country still faces a series of domestic and external challenges that remain significant hurdles...
The past year was a momentous one for India. The country navigated through the shoals of an unpreced...
Contrary to popular discourse, the threats emanating from the internal security issues pose serious ...
[Excerpt] President Barack Obama’s Administration has sought to build upon the deepened U.S. engagem...
India has been suffering from protracted internal armed conflicts in different theatres for the last...
The past year was a momentous one for India. The country navigated through the shoals of an unpreced...
India, having one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and being the most populous democra...
The author examines the prospects for Indo-Pakistani relations after the 26-29 November 2008 terrori...
This report provides a reverse chronology of major events involving India and India - U.S relations
Thanks to sustained economic growth and key investments in military capabilities, India will face gr...
The paper discusses the dynamics of peace initiatives made by Pakistan in 2006 and their importance ...
For centuries India has been seen and portrayed as an enigma to the world. Its archetypal mysticism,...
The Congress Party, although in a strong position to improve matters in 2010, generally proved disap...
The Congress Party, although in a strong position to improve matters in 2010, generally proved disap...
This report provides a reverse chronology of recent events involving India and India-U.S. relations...
The country still faces a series of domestic and external challenges that remain significant hurdles...
The past year was a momentous one for India. The country navigated through the shoals of an unpreced...
Contrary to popular discourse, the threats emanating from the internal security issues pose serious ...
[Excerpt] President Barack Obama’s Administration has sought to build upon the deepened U.S. engagem...
India has been suffering from protracted internal armed conflicts in different theatres for the last...
The past year was a momentous one for India. The country navigated through the shoals of an unpreced...
India, having one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and being the most populous democra...
The author examines the prospects for Indo-Pakistani relations after the 26-29 November 2008 terrori...
This report provides a reverse chronology of major events involving India and India - U.S relations
Thanks to sustained economic growth and key investments in military capabilities, India will face gr...
The paper discusses the dynamics of peace initiatives made by Pakistan in 2006 and their importance ...
For centuries India has been seen and portrayed as an enigma to the world. Its archetypal mysticism,...