[Departement_IRSTEA]RE [TR1_IRSTEA]RIE / ALPRISKIn the Southern French Alps, the black marls formation covers a large area and is highly susceptible to weathering and erosion. It has a badlands topography and is subject to high solid transport, bringing high sediment yield downstream and silting up reservoirs. The scale is decisive in the study of erosion processes and quantification of sediment production, de Vente and Poesen (2005). This paper focuses on erosion at the slope and gully spatial scale and at the event temporal scale and is based on the data collected since 1983 by cemagref on a small gully, called Roubine (1330 m²). For the 19852003 period, 1016 rainfall events were registered, 472 produced runoff at the outlet and 373 yield...