In the face of the threat of the landslide disaster, establishing warning systems and evacuating inhabitants are recognized as effective approaches for disaster risk reduction. The study used the collected 79 disaster cases in the Kaoping River Basin from 2006 to 2016 to establish Soil Water Index (SWI) threshold value for warning sediment-related disasters. The results show that landslide disaster cases mainly occur when the SWI>160mm and SWI has a linear relationship with the depth in the second tank. Two alert types of the SWI were derived, yellow alert value of 160mm and red alert value of corresponding to the intersection of the critical line of disaster cases of 70% coverage and the regression line. Furthermore, this study builds the ...
The northern segment of Chelunpu fault passed through Dajia and Daan River. It induced 11.2 m liftin...
The Lushan slope located in the Renai Township, Nantou County, has slid and disconnected the road du...
台灣73 %是山區,人口密度大,由於地質複雜、地形陡峭、降雨集中,又多颱風及地震,因此坡地的自然環境極具敏感性,加上近年來不當開發的後果,坡地災害日漸增多,本研究之主要目的是探討導致坡地災害的原因及相...
Under the climate change, extreme climate-induced disasters have increased the scale and the frequen...
Taiwan is located in the monsoon climate zone. Land development on the slope terrain usually decreas...
The mountain area in Taiwan is usually high and steep with rugged road. The amount of groundwater se...
According to Slopeland Conservation and Utilization Act which was promulgated in 1976, the work of S...
Due to the climate change, the frequency of severe rainfall has been increased in recent years. In v...
Landslide and deposition characteristics on slope are affected by various soil properties. Using a s...
極端降雨事件發生時,易引發大規模崩塌災害,造成河道淤積或堰塞湖,嚴重時將導致如莫拉克颱風小林村之滅村災情。因此,了解崩塌潛在區位及崩塌規模,將有助於減緩崩塌帶來之危害。 本研究以莫拉克颱風事件災損嚴重...
The northern segment of Chelunpu fault passed through Dajia and Daan River. It induced 11.2 m liftin...
The Lushan slope located in the Renai Township, Nantou County, has slid and disconnected the road du...
台灣73 %是山區,人口密度大,由於地質複雜、地形陡峭、降雨集中,又多颱風及地震,因此坡地的自然環境極具敏感性,加上近年來不當開發的後果,坡地災害日漸增多,本研究之主要目的是探討導致坡地災害的原因及相...
Under the climate change, extreme climate-induced disasters have increased the scale and the frequen...
Taiwan is located in the monsoon climate zone. Land development on the slope terrain usually decreas...
The mountain area in Taiwan is usually high and steep with rugged road. The amount of groundwater se...
According to Slopeland Conservation and Utilization Act which was promulgated in 1976, the work of S...
Due to the climate change, the frequency of severe rainfall has been increased in recent years. In v...
Landslide and deposition characteristics on slope are affected by various soil properties. Using a s...
極端降雨事件發生時,易引發大規模崩塌災害,造成河道淤積或堰塞湖,嚴重時將導致如莫拉克颱風小林村之滅村災情。因此,了解崩塌潛在區位及崩塌規模,將有助於減緩崩塌帶來之危害。 本研究以莫拉克颱風事件災損嚴重...
The northern segment of Chelunpu fault passed through Dajia and Daan River. It induced 11.2 m liftin...
The Lushan slope located in the Renai Township, Nantou County, has slid and disconnected the road du...
台灣73 %是山區,人口密度大,由於地質複雜、地形陡峭、降雨集中,又多颱風及地震,因此坡地的自然環境極具敏感性,加上近年來不當開發的後果,坡地災害日漸增多,本研究之主要目的是探討導致坡地災害的原因及相...