In traditional portfolio optimization under the threat of a crash the investment horizon or time to maturity is neglected. Developing the so-called crash hedging strategies (which are portfolio strategies which make an investor indifferent to the occurrence of an uncertain (down) jumps of the price of the risky asset) the time to maturity turns out to be essential. The crash hedging strategies are derived as solutions of non-linear differential equations which itself are consequences of an equilibrium strategy. Hereby the situation of changing market coefficients after a possible crash is considered for the case of logarithmic utility as well as for the case of general utility functions. A benefit-cost analysis of the crash hedging strategy...
We investigate a portfolio optimization problem under the threat of a market crash, where the intere...
In 2002, Korn and Wilmott introduced the worst-case scenario optimal portfolio approach. They exten...
We consider the process of constructing an optimal hedging portfoliostrategies of an investor. This ...
Crash hedging strategies are derived as solutions of non–linear differential equations which itself ...
We consider the determination of optimal portfolios under the threat of a crash. Our main assumption...
We study a portfolio optimization problem in a market which is under the threat of crashes. At rando...
This thesis deals with 3 important aspects of optimal investment in real-world financial markets: ta...
We consider the determination of portfolio processes yielding the highest worst-case bound for the e...
We investigate worst-case optimal consumption and portfolio decisions under the threat of a market c...
We review recent results on the new concept of worst-case portfolio optimization, i.e. we consider t...
Based on a robustness concept adapted from mathematical statistics, we investigate robust optimal in...
Jump diffusion models have two weaknesses: they don't allow you to hedge and the parameters are very...
We study optimal asset allocation in a crash-threatened financial market with proportional transacti...
The recent financial crisis highlights the importance of market crashes and the subsequent market il...
We consider the determination of portfolio processes yielding the high-est worst-case bound for the ...
We investigate a portfolio optimization problem under the threat of a market crash, where the intere...
In 2002, Korn and Wilmott introduced the worst-case scenario optimal portfolio approach. They exten...
We consider the process of constructing an optimal hedging portfoliostrategies of an investor. This ...
Crash hedging strategies are derived as solutions of non–linear differential equations which itself ...
We consider the determination of optimal portfolios under the threat of a crash. Our main assumption...
We study a portfolio optimization problem in a market which is under the threat of crashes. At rando...
This thesis deals with 3 important aspects of optimal investment in real-world financial markets: ta...
We consider the determination of portfolio processes yielding the highest worst-case bound for the e...
We investigate worst-case optimal consumption and portfolio decisions under the threat of a market c...
We review recent results on the new concept of worst-case portfolio optimization, i.e. we consider t...
Based on a robustness concept adapted from mathematical statistics, we investigate robust optimal in...
Jump diffusion models have two weaknesses: they don't allow you to hedge and the parameters are very...
We study optimal asset allocation in a crash-threatened financial market with proportional transacti...
The recent financial crisis highlights the importance of market crashes and the subsequent market il...
We consider the determination of portfolio processes yielding the high-est worst-case bound for the ...
We investigate a portfolio optimization problem under the threat of a market crash, where the intere...
In 2002, Korn and Wilmott introduced the worst-case scenario optimal portfolio approach. They exten...
We consider the process of constructing an optimal hedging portfoliostrategies of an investor. This ...